Wednesday 19 June 2013

Beach, bitches!

Went to the beach with the girls (Kaiwen, Maria and Cintia) last Monday after holiday lessons! Took a freaking long bus ride from sch and it took us probably 2 times the time required to reach vivo compared to the train HAHA.  But, It's ok, consoled ourselves that it was a mini singapore tour around. Hahaa 

Lunched and shopped around then took sentosa tram to Palawan! And lucky there wasn't a lot of people! Just a comfortable crowd. Quite surprised since it was school holiday's Monday! 

So what do girls do at the beach? CAMWHORE. Like duh. Haha ok bimbo mode ttm.

I wonder when's the day I can lose the fats and get the courage to wear bikini......... Ok just saying... 

*continue camwhore*

Wa like too much of my face liao, sorry ah. Don't vomit just yet. HAHA. 

With kaiwen! 

So the day went by with us camwhoring, suntanning(after putting lots of sunscreen), eating strawberries and grapes we bought, talking, Maria putting mask (LOL HAHAHAHHA MARIA) etc etc. stayed till evening and I fell asleep lying down on my towel HAHAHA. Wei. It was too soothing and quiet ok, nothing got to do with having a pig nature or whatsoever! Ahem. 

Then dinner's at toast box! So expensive la, they marked up the prices in sentosa ): not surprising though. But my noodles(maggie mee alike noodles) with chicken wing and egg + barley was $8.80. Gr. Note : don't eat in touristy areas! Especially when you are a local. It's a stupid choice. And I just called ourselves stupid. LOL OK WTF AM I RUMBLING WITH NOW. 

Ok ending off with a photo of us four! Bye! 

Sunday 9 June 2013


Flu omg. Ah choo! Anw tried this dress from f21 ytd. Yes or no? 

Saturday 1 June 2013


Hi there! Exams are over and I'm so disappointed at myself. So many "if onlys" , "I should have". I should stop getting stuck in the moment and plan ahead. Hate how I regret only after my exams, never learn man. SO. My goal is to study during june holiday at least few hours a day, I mean, I really have to. Got to catch up so badly.

Anw, went to gym recently w the girls! At anchorvale CC. My virgin experience in gym other than sch's. Pretty good experience except I jumped on some machine too tall for me and "la dao jin" (pull until leg vein, LOL direct translate ftw). and it hurt for a few days, so lesson learnt - ALWAYS STRETCH BEFORE GYMING NO MATTER WHAT.

Did a good 15 min each on some machines like the cycling ones. And some mini weight workout to tone my flabby arms. Exactly what happened to me?!?! I used to have skinny arms and thighs............ now, I hate looking in the mirror seeing my figure. #needtodosomething.

Did planks too..... but I couldnt stay for long. 1 min and I'm alr dying but Cintia and Kw actually managed a good 2 min. Good job!

Me in green

Anyway after since, I wanna go gym again! But no one else stays in Yishun that works out (and er ahem, I'm kinda shy going into gym and face hot muscular handsome guys myself lolololol) . ok rubbish, no excuses! hahahaha hope I will muster enough courage and determination to gym alone soon, oh well.

I mean if you haven't realise, I'm shy ok HAHAHAHHA.

And SR's having prom end of year!! I need to lose weight or more like just tone myself to look my best......... and today during YES symposium training, I was a lil bored so I started googling for "dresses for petite girls". Look what I picked out among the hundreds of dressed for petite available at "". ANYONE WANNA BUY FOR ME , I LOOOOOOOVE IT. but just look at the price will ya ): ya I don't know if they ship to Singapore, oh well...........

CHOICE #1 (My fav)


er $250?? You accept monopoly notes?



Oh well, I might end up just buying my prom dress from h&m children's department again HAHAHAHA. Fyi, my prom dress for sec 4 was from there , ahem, show you.... LOL.

note the flowers on my dress. (you can enlarge it, I alr format it XL lol).
I LOVE my dress for that still hehehehehhehehe. So princessy.
(don't judge me ah tsk tsk hehe)

hehehhehe hao la, bye bye. Till the next time, xx, take care ok.