Monday 29 December 2014

Tis' the season to be jolly

Hey guys!

Guess who's back to update after quite some time? Me! "insert girl raising hand emoji"

To explain the long interval between updates, well, I have been busy. Busy with work, catching up on Blacklist, Running Man and Two Broke girls. (Okay, maybe I wasn't that busy after all). And, also I kind of don't know what to blog about...............

Summarising this month.... Wow, I felt like I have really aged quite a bit HAHA. There were so many ups and downs.. Falling out with some people (some that are proven to be good riddance for the better future), trying & picking up new stuff, reuniting and meeting up with some friends, etc etc.

I must say December has truly been a dramatic month after previous months that are slightly to the mundane and standard routine side.

It is a month that made me realise and learn things about myself and also people around me. One thing I realise about myself is that I forgive but not forget easily. Which is so true when I think back of all the previous incidents that I happened in my life.


Well, and speaking of this month, December. What else screams out loud "Christmas" more than December?!

So here's wishing all you guys.....

Before the jolly December ends, Merry (belated) Christmas everyone! I hope you guys had a great month celebrating and meeting up with friends.

One of the seasons that I enjoy the most got to be Christmas! Who doesn't like catching and meeting up with friends? Getting presents? Shopping for presents? Enjoying good food?

If you don't, you got to stop being a grinch! hehe

Anyway, here are some photos on how I spent my Christmas! (Beware: awkward transitions ahead)


On one of the days, I met up with the JC clique in town! 
Finally a meet up with the four of us after two of them went overseas to study

Went shopping and had dinner at Eighteen Chefs with them. And, I also finally tried Llao llao. I got to say, Yami yogurt and Soghurt still beats llao llao hands down in my opinion.

Craving for yami yogurt now that I'm typing this already....

Us at the 3D photo-taking spot located at The Cathay.


And on Christmas week, met up with Crystal and Huishi at Whisk & Paddle. It's located at Punggol Promenade area, near Popeyes and Frenzie's. So glad for all the new cafes and restaurants popping out at where I stay

Huishi's cute fluffy drink

One for one with Crystal

Here's what we ordered - Mac n Cheese, Smoked duck and lychee pizza and Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict! Food there was not bad, food expert Crystal Tan approves of the mac n cheese. Thought the pizza was quite a unique flavor too.

What's for dessert - Strawberry Tart!


And after the linner / late lunch, we went to explore and strolled along Punggol Waterway!

Managed to walk for two LRT stations until we were tired and decided to take the LRT back to Punggol MRT station instead. How fit! In defence, all three of us haven't exercised for a long time. For me, I haven't exercised in months and for them, they haven't been exercising since Sec 4. HAHA. So.......... yup.


And, on Christmas Eve, had a mini celebration / potluck in the office. And, also singing of Christmas Carols! 

Lobster pumpkin bisque! Yums


Quinoa Salad

Basil Chicken

Orange cocktail

Cheese Tartlet

Vegetarian Beehoon

HAHA okay I think my description quite funny. But, I don't really know what this is because I didn't try it. Seeing how I'm not a fan of pork at all..... 

Guess which one is prepared by me?

None, hehe. If you don't already know yet, I don't cook. So, I ordered pizza as my contribution to the potluck. hehe.


And after work, on Christmas eve, rushed over to a family's friend house for celebration!

Posh brownie!

Mini log cake that we cut into 15 slices to share HAHA.

With my fav childhood friend


And after the dinner, cabbed down to Cintia's house to celebrate with JC classmates!

With the giant teddy bear

Had fun doing gift exchange with them, singing, playing Ring of Death and chilling.


And yup, all these sums up my Christmas celebrations! Was kind of sick of pizza after all the celebrations. On Christmas eve itself, lunch, dinner and even supper consists of pizza. Hahahaha definitely no more pizza for me for another month or so.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......... to end off this post, how did your Christmas went? :)

Saturday 29 November 2014

My ohana (& also my new phone lock screen) (& also my first post from my new iPhone) (& also my first post-exam post)

Hehe hi. 

Monday 10 November 2014

Till then

Is it just me or that time is moving really quickly nowadays? 

This reminds me of Spy Kids 4 if any of you watched that movie before. It's basically about how this guy has the ability to manipulate time and make time pass really quickly.

Maybe someone out there is really manipulating our time. With time passing so fast, it really scares me to no end.

On a side note, I'm taking a short hiatus from updating this little space as I focus or rather try to focus on my exams. Be right back once I finish fighting and hopefully win this war.

Saturday 18 October 2014

For a special girl, X

Hey there!

Haven't been blogging for a long time simply because there's so many things going on in my mind and I haven't had the time to really consolidate all my thoughts and put them into words. Im also feeling really lost and bounded by fears and insecurities but lets put that aside for now. 

Today, I have decided to blog and I would like to dedicate this post to none other than my bestie, Hui Shi! 

Today, we celebrate the day that an awesome lady has been born and brought to this world (HAHAHA). Happy 19th birthday my dear! 

Hope you enjoyed our mini celebration last Saturday. Although I have already wrote you a card but the card was too small I couldn't write much! (And you know how naggy I am) Every year your message / card never fails to make me feel touched (although this year I LOL-ed at your message cos its so cute) so I wanted to do something nice for you too. 

And since there isn't any appropriate time for me to give thanks to you / rather it has become a trend to say good things or express gratitude to people on their birthday..........

Thank you so much for being in my life. It's always extra assuring during my insecure moments when I look at myself and think why do I look so fat, why am I not performing well enough, why am I not good looking enough etc etc to have you around to assure me that I'm okay just the way I am. Thank you so much for giving me the confidence boost I needed when I start doubting myself and make me feel like a better person. 

I know that whenever I need someone to talk to and give good advices, you will be there listening in empathy and giving sincere and genuine comments / advices. 

Thanks for not judging me whenever I tell you my stupid problems or act silly around you (although you always give me a weird stare).

Thank you for bringing so much laughter in my life and I meant it when I said 有你真好! You are such a genuine, true and sincere person and I hope you will find someone who can appreciate and cherish you in every way, simply because you deserve the best.

You are so strong and so determined in achieving what you want and I really admire this trait of you! 

And the many times when you had my back and the many good times we have which I shall not dwell on in case you find me too naggy.

Proud of you for hanging through all the tough times and hopefully it's now 雨过天晴 with lots of rainbow and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (I hope that makes sense) for you! 

Happy birthday you gorgeous and atas bimbo (HAHA you said atas bimbo yourself ah)! Lets continue being atas bimbo besties with crystal and celebrate each others birthday till the very end! 

Lets continue working hard together and wait in anticipation for our overseas trip together next year!!

Love you and happy birthday! May all your wishes (esp Prince Charming) come true!!! 

Friday 12 September 2014

Photo-time log

8:00 - hit snooze 


8:53 - bed hair, tired face, good morning.

9:52 - in the train running late (ft. new bag from Crystal and Huishi)

10:10 - on the cab from Little India MRT 

10:58 - this is a keyboard

17:17 - tea snack treat from my fav mentor 

19:34 - Waiting for the train to NEX after a busy day at work.

19:36 - now playing 

19:46 - on the travellator because I'm too lazy and tired to walk

20:45 - Pon Tian Wanton Noodles with Crystal & Huishi #challengesavemoney

21:15 - "oops I forgot to snap a picture" Dessert story with the girls #challengeoldschool

22:10 - walking home. #challengegohomeearly

22:20- Home sweet home. Time to rest my tired leg and tired soul. 

22:48 - Doing laundry 
