Saturday 18 October 2014

For a special girl, X

Hey there!

Haven't been blogging for a long time simply because there's so many things going on in my mind and I haven't had the time to really consolidate all my thoughts and put them into words. Im also feeling really lost and bounded by fears and insecurities but lets put that aside for now. 

Today, I have decided to blog and I would like to dedicate this post to none other than my bestie, Hui Shi! 

Today, we celebrate the day that an awesome lady has been born and brought to this world (HAHAHA). Happy 19th birthday my dear! 

Hope you enjoyed our mini celebration last Saturday. Although I have already wrote you a card but the card was too small I couldn't write much! (And you know how naggy I am) Every year your message / card never fails to make me feel touched (although this year I LOL-ed at your message cos its so cute) so I wanted to do something nice for you too. 

And since there isn't any appropriate time for me to give thanks to you / rather it has become a trend to say good things or express gratitude to people on their birthday..........

Thank you so much for being in my life. It's always extra assuring during my insecure moments when I look at myself and think why do I look so fat, why am I not performing well enough, why am I not good looking enough etc etc to have you around to assure me that I'm okay just the way I am. Thank you so much for giving me the confidence boost I needed when I start doubting myself and make me feel like a better person. 

I know that whenever I need someone to talk to and give good advices, you will be there listening in empathy and giving sincere and genuine comments / advices. 

Thanks for not judging me whenever I tell you my stupid problems or act silly around you (although you always give me a weird stare).

Thank you for bringing so much laughter in my life and I meant it when I said 有你真好! You are such a genuine, true and sincere person and I hope you will find someone who can appreciate and cherish you in every way, simply because you deserve the best.

You are so strong and so determined in achieving what you want and I really admire this trait of you! 

And the many times when you had my back and the many good times we have which I shall not dwell on in case you find me too naggy.

Proud of you for hanging through all the tough times and hopefully it's now 雨过天晴 with lots of rainbow and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (I hope that makes sense) for you! 

Happy birthday you gorgeous and atas bimbo (HAHA you said atas bimbo yourself ah)! Lets continue being atas bimbo besties with crystal and celebrate each others birthday till the very end! 

Lets continue working hard together and wait in anticipation for our overseas trip together next year!!

Love you and happy birthday! May all your wishes (esp Prince Charming) come true!!!