Saturday 21 March 2015


I have so many thoughts in my mind right now. Different emotions and thoughts that I want to rant / express but I don't know how to put it in actual words.

Thus, just hi for now.


Sunday 15 March 2015

PANDAS!! // River Safari Singapore

Went to River Safari with Bryan on Monday!

Always wanted to go to river safari because one of my favourite animals, panda is there! Actually, it might be my favourite animal now. All the while, pigs used to be my favourite animal but pandas are just too cute I squeal in joy when I see them. They are so adorable I can stand there and observe every single move of them in adoration for a long time!

Been some time since I saw them, the last time being last year when I went to Taiwan zoo. They are so cute, be it when they are eating their bamboo, lazing around, trying to climb on a tree and struggling to stay up there cos of their weight (Kai Kai did that on Monday hahaha)! 

Anyway, moving on to Monday, met up with Bryan at Bishan. Thankfully, he drove us there from Bishan because River Safari is really super far for me! I live in Punggol and River Safari is all the way at Mandai. Why are all the attractions so far from my house........

When we reached, it was raining ): like what luck right! but thankfully, it stopped after approx 30 min!

Our attempted selfie with the alligator statue.
Keyword: attempted.

First stop - We teleported to Mississippi River.

Mississippi River brought back memories of my JC H2 geog days reading up on essays about Mississippi River. Haha the days reading up on the floods, and the PMR (Prediction, Mitigation, Response) measures etc.

Such a sweet image!
It was raining and this family (?) of monkeys hid at a corner cuddling (? ok I have fertile imagination) together. If you look closely, the monkey on the right hand side is actually hugging a baby monkey. So this pretty much looks like Papa and Mama monkey shielding baby money from the rain.

Ok I admit, after the first stop. I can't remember which river the following photos are from..... Hehe

Behind are some really gigantic fish

I think this is called Golden Pheasant or something. 
I remember this because we had a discussion about their colours.
Apparently, this colourful one is a male pheasant!
Those that are in dull greyish colour like this one below are either females / immature males.
And it had us discussing what actually is considered immature males hahaha.
I doubt it meant immature mentally though

(Image from google cos I didn't take a picture)

Male domination even in the pheasant world huh.
The male pheasant are so colourful and pretty looking!

Red pandas are so cute too!
I think the whole panda family is cute la

I wish I brought along my camera.
My substandard photos using iPhone camera fails to depict just how cute these animals are

Kai Kai's diet:
20kg Bamboo, 1kg high fibre biscuits, 400g carrots, 200g apples
Wow they really eat A LOT.

!!!!!!!!!!!! - this is how I feel when I finally see my fav pandas.
Not kidding / exaggerating at all

Ok, technically a string of exclamation marks means nothing.
But I guess its the short form of "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! YAYYY SO CUTE OMG! WEEEE! AHHHHH SO CUTE"

LOL HAHA ok I sound like a crazy woman rn

Hi Kai Kai! Y u so cute!

even when you are just being lazy lazing around...........

So cute when he crawled over this spot to laze I laughed in adoration
Its like how is this even comfortable?!
But I guess for a panda, anywhere is a good spot for sleeping / lazing

"they even perform handstands to "shoot" urine up tree trunks. It seems the higher they aim, the more dominant or attractive they appear"
HAHA, okay?

Jia Jia!

disfigured chocolate custard panda pau for me
& red bean bau for Bryan
Oh, and my cute iced lemon tea hehe
Iced lemon tea in a cute panda cup I can bring home? Just take my money already please

We bought tickets for both river safari cruise & amazon river quest
This is while we are on the river safari cruise (15 mins cruise)
So scenic

He says my hair looks nice here hehe 

Below photos from amazon river quest! We decided to buy the tickets ($5 for each ride per pax) because these animals can only be viewed via the quest and it seems like neither of us will visit River safari in the near future so its money well spent.

We both agreed that Amazon River Quest was a boat ride more worth of money though

They were so close to us!
Like just beside us within touching distance by the boat

After the quest, we went to the amazon flooded forest.

Time for a short commercial break before you guys go on to view the other pictures......

I have a confession.

I actually have no idea what the exhibitions are called. HAHA. Like all these amazon flooded forest, amazon river quest etc etc. The truth is I'm referring to my river safari map while I'm typing hehe. The only exhibition I remember fondly is Mississippi River hahahaha.

Ok lame confession cos I think this is quite expected of me. I have poor memory for names like these hahaha.

Commercial break over. Time for more pictures!

hehehe my edit on Snapchat

Piranhas! I find this quite creepy to watch actually.
Having hear about scary stories of piranhas, this exhibit gave off such a scary vibe. 
They were quite still and I felt that their stare can pierce through the glass and my soul
I feel scared even looking at this picture now

To be fair, piranhas don't actually eat humans as opposed to how they were depicted in movies.
From what I read in the exhibit, they mostly feed on other fishes or land mammals.

fashionista fish in monochrome yo!


I was quite disturbed by this 3 otters actually
Initially, I thought they are playing with each other.
But for some reason, two of the otters are actually attacking one of the otter.
They were trying to bite the poor otter I don't know why
Extremely disturbed indeed.....................

Cute manatee

they are so huge!

After the manatee, we came to the end of the River Safaru trail 
But since we had some time to spend, we went back to see the pandas again! Happy girl is me. Felt a surge of joy & happiness having get to see the pandas again

On route back to Panda forest.
Bryan and his lover crocodile 

Back to the Panda forest!

red panda seems to be deep in thought.
Hmmmmm..... what should I eat for dinner? What should I do later? What do I want to do for my life? Hmmmmmmm

Kai Kai eating happily away.
SO CUTE! I think this is one post that I use the word "cute" maybe a little too much but they are really cute! 

selfie with the cutie

After this picture, my phone died ):

Went to Seletar Mall after which for sushi! And since it was quite early, we went to watch Spongebob movie hahahaha. Well, this is one movie that is unlike my usual choice of movies at the cinema. But it was quite cute and interesting.

Then went for a drive along Seletar Reservoir to Yishun then back to Punggol, last stop being Punggol waterway where we had a short walk and gaze at the stars.

It was indeed a good Monday spent. Contrary to my usual off days on Mondays lazing at home, I had such a good time mainly because I get to see the pandas! Monday blues no more....... & thank you for driving me around, Su!