Sunday 10 April 2016

One year with my goofball, x.

What a hectic week this week has been academically and mentally due to certain unhappy happenings. But throughout this whole week, like what I have told him, I have come to realize how my boyfriend is such a rock and anchor in my life right now that I can't be more than thankful for. In this whole week - He's patiently there when I need a shoulder and listening ear. He's there to give me a push and encourage me when I'm all drained. He's there to pick me up from school when I ended at 10pm even though I insisted that he doesn't. He's there in his goofy self cheering me up with his quirks and antics. He's there no matter what and when. 

Which brings me to this post, my first year anniversary with him hehe

How our anniversary started! Disturbing each other hahaha. I know he didn't forget our anniversary but it's this thing we do the past few monthsaries of seeing who says it first and then accusing each other of forgetting.

 It all started after someone forget about the first monthsary. Who it is, go figure. Haha 

And the nonsense continues

Hahaha this cutie pie. Made my night with this funny conversation. 

Made this scrapbook with a lot of handwritten notes and over 200 pictures. It brought back many sweet memories as I was doing this. Made me see how much we have been through together

And look who bought me my favorite flowers! It totally made my whole day and week just seeing this beautiful bouquet. Couldn't get over how beautiful this is. 

One week since I received the flower and its nicely separated - a bunch in a vase, a bunch for air drying and a bunch kiap in a book for preserving, all because its too pretty to just be thrown away even if it dries.

Some selfies with my beautiful bouquet (looking hella tired the whole day cos I stayed up till 4am)

Went to The Cathay for a quick lunch and also to watch Batman vs Superman at the Platinum theatre that I booked prior.

Took some quick selfies at the waiting lounge too hehe

What an ugly photo lol.

I thought it was a really comfortable and great experience at The Cathay Platinum Suites! Reclining chairs was comfy with a lot of leg space, not that I really need much with my well, not so long legs, but just saying. Blankets were provided and it was really comfy that I nearly fell asleep. Would definitely go back again but probably only if its some celebratory occasion 'cos the prices are quite steep. Haha

Anyway, guess who got lost in the movie plot?! I was so lost and ended up google-ing for the story plot halfway so that I can understand the story better hahaha. Feel ashamed to say this, but I didn't know Batman was a human. I genuinely thought he's a non-human with superpower and all. Ok noob is me.

 But now I know! After I understood the story better, the movie was really not bad as contrary to rotten tomato's miserable rating of the movie. Bf love the movie too!

Moving on to later part of the day.....

We were on our way to eat at our fav sashimi place at this sushi bar inside Takashimaya Cold Storage when the sweet boy revealed that he actually booked a dinner place. 

Got curious when he told me to not eat too much at the sushi bar giving the excuse that it was too early for dinner. That's when I realise he made a dinner reservation and later found out it was at Pince and Pints.

Hahahaha to be honest, I was in shock when he ask me to guess where we were going for dinner and later confirm that it was at Pince and Pints. I think I asked more than 10 times "really?!" when he said we were going there hehe. Never thought he would put in so much effort and also because I think I mentioned before that I wanted to go there but I couldn't believe that he actually remember my casual remark. Made me such a happy girl that day with all the effort he put in hehe.

Snacking / rather enjoying our Sashimi before dinner
Super value for money and nice. 

You guys should try one day if you happen to be at Taka!

super tired looking like I didn't sleep for 3 days lol

With our food!

My grilled lobster and bf's steamed lobster!
Love both of it equally much!

Been wanting to try the place for the longest time since they were opened but didn't get the chance to until now all thanks to my sweetheart hehe. 

Super satisfying dinner! 
As a true blue Singaporean would say - SHIOOOOOOOOK.

Selfies in the car before I get back home hehe love this boy so much

Ending the post with more pictures of my bouquet. 
My god, its SOOOOOO pretty hehehehe. I wish I can grow this in SG and more specifically, my house, just so I can enjoy its beauty everyday haha. 

Too pretty!!


I'm sorry that this is such a rushed post since I have lecture tomorrow and this is in fact my revision month before my exams in early May so I should really be studying instead.
But I really wanted to post and update this to keep track of this memorable and lovely day hehe. 

And nope, no mushy message to the boy 'cos I have already conveyed it well to him in private hehe. 

Alright bye, x.