Sunday 18 September 2016

Hey! Omg it has been so long since I have updated this space. Ever seen holidays started, I have really just spent most of my time working. And with every rest time I have, I just spent my time sleeping (yes I'm boring), catching up with friends etc. It has been so long since I updated that my side box description is no longer applicable to me because yes, I'm 21 now! Hehe let's just hope I find it in me to update this space about my 21st birthday soon.

Anyway, tomorrow is the start of Year 2 in school! This week is going to be a tiring week up ahead of either school or work but come Friday, I will be scooting off to Brisbane to reunite with bf for a week! Yes I know... I really shouldn't have. I'm feeling super guilty about missing school for a week but this ldr is killing me haha. And since bf kindly paid for my flight as my birthday gift, this is no less a perfect opportunity to reunite with him. 

Life recently has been pretty... I don't know how to put it haha. I would say life has been rather.. stagnant that leaves me unsatisfied at this current state. The stagnation puts me in a situation where I yearn to experience excitement. Sigh... Ren jiu shi fan jian, when life is too exciting (with extreme highs and lows), you complain. When life is too consistent and stagnant, you complain too. 

Ok suddenly can't think of anything else to type out haha what a lame update this is. Year 2, be kind to me, puh-lease.