Monday 2 January 2017

Christmas and New Year

Realise I haven't been posting anything much about what I did or anything exactly uplifting for that matter so I thought it would be high time for an update on how I spent my recent weeks.

Went to KL with my mum and sister a week before Christmas! I flew back myself first because I had school and work, and the best buddy ever came to pick me up with my first Christmas gift of the year.

Hehe love the planner! I have been using a planner for the longest time and this is probably the prettiest one I have ever had. There are so many inspirational quotes inside too. 

For January, the quote says:

"One day you will realise how much beauty you have inside of you ; how much capacity and light and strength, and one day you will realise how many people you could made a difference in the lives of if you stopped comparing your life with someone's else and really really truly embraced yourself & activated all you were made to be"

How apt. Love it!

Through the Christmas week, I managed to catch up and spend quality time with people I treasure. 

2 days before Christmas, went for dinner after lecture with my uni friends from the Social Psychology mod I'm taking! Went to this new place called 72o Bistro at Holland Village with them. Was just walking around and thinking of where to eat where their great service and promotions led us in. Food's decent and cheers for affordable drinks! 

Got to know more about them and shared many laughters. What a great night, cheers to BQ for treating us for the dinner this time round!

On Christmas Eve, went to town to meet my fav girls after work! Dinner was at Oriole Coffee + Bar.

Crystal had to leave early 'cos she had church service so Huishi and I went to shop and went for some light drinks! What a great night even though we did get a little bit emotional after the drinks hahaha. 

Love this girl so much.
What a precious gem, x.

And on Christmas day itself, went for lunch and some last min Christmas shopping (super last min indeed) and went to gu gu's house for a gathering!


With the pretty cousin.
Someone's eyebrows on fleek yo

Selfie with some of my cousins, gu gu and mummy!
Hehe didn't really took much photos that day but it was a really nice chill day enjoying food, drinks and having HTHT at the end of it.

On 26th Dec, headed to TS's house for a gathering with my JC clique! Love how we have a yearly tradition now to celebrate Christmas & CNY now hehe.

Made our own dinner that night and it was pretty memorable come to think of it now.
Hahaha since TS don't live at this house, the kitchen's lacking of some necessary cooking equipments and we really had to make use and improvise on what we have. It was pretty fun to cook together, even though it was really tiring. We spent almost an hour prepping the ingredients and an hour and a half cooking the dishes.

Dinner was of pan fried Salmon (supposed to baked it but the oven broke down, see what I was talking about improvising?), some marinated Chicken and cream based pasta! 

HS and I was in charge of the Salmon, ok, more like I was assistant to him 'cos he's obviously the better cook amongst us. I think he did a really good job cos that was my favourite dish! 

Pic with my cooking shifu

After dinner, we had a gift exchange! We used an online secret santa generator this year where we had a secret santa picked and also where we can list our wish lists. 

I was secret santa to TS and he had the funniest wish list I tell you. It included wishes like "handwritten list of 20 reasons why you love me" or like "do a ppap video of yourself and save it in a thumdrive and pass it to me as a gift (must be fun hor or else need to redo)" 

LOL this boy so demanding. But yea, I bought a customisable Starbucks tumblr in the end which included almost all of what he wanted haha.

Here's us posting with our gifts hehe
Thank you HS for the requested handwritten note! And also for getting me useful face products hehe

Fun shot, go!

Are we cool enough for you yet?

Thank you TS mummy for the log cake!

Played some drinking games like "who is most likely to" and also had some HTHT with this bunch until the wee hours. Only had 4 hours of sleep before I had to rush to work. But well, these people are just worth investing time and effort to, x. Hehe

On 28th Dec, went for brunch with the best buddy ever! Brunch was at Lola's and headed to get some ice cream for takeaway. 

Fast forward to NYE! Met up with my fav girls again. Went to countdown at Prive @ Chijmes! Love the good service and fun loving crew. They provided us with party props and at 12am, they had like those spray cans etc to hype up the atmosphere too.

Since Prive closes at 1am, we thought we should head to CQ to club. But looks like that was a bad idea because all the clubs / bars there were so crowded. Queue was insane to get in to everywhere. Ended up eating supper at HDL instead haha. Well, at least we had good food to start off the new year!

Ending off this post with my fav photo of us from that night! Thanks for being a constant in my life for as long as I can remember. You girls are absolutely precious to me and cheers to more close knitted years ahead, x.