Sunday 26 March 2017

Today I found out about something that's of utter disturbance. I never once thought that I would be victim to someone that lack moral compass and any basic respect to female. At an age of 21 approaching 22, I guess this is really a phase where I truly start to see how ugly and evil the world and people truly can be for their self-interests. I'm pretty sure there will be countless more of such people to come and this is just an awakening. To you and your fucking lies, fuck you and I hope karma hits you hard. You missed someone who have been nothing but completely honest and open to you. Maybe its high time that I remind myself not to wear my heart on my sleeve anymore. How naive was I to expect that when you treat someone with sincerity and honesty, you will get back the same treatment. How naive was I to let my judgement be clouded from your compulsive lies. I don't think I have been so upset with someone in my life for the longest time. But whatever, what's done cannot be undone. It's an expensive lesson but I learnt well. I will no longer lose anymore rest, appetite, and tears for you further because you are simply not worth it.