Tuesday 23 July 2013


We are all kids of 21st century's sorry.

The fucking financial problems, the fucking competitive world, the fucking fake world, the fucking social stigmas, the fucking expectations, the fucking stress, fuck all this. 

Fucking tired of all these shit. 

All I want now is just some alone time with all my hair down, all the burdens off, all the masks off, and be my fucking self without a fuck for the outside world


Why do we always bother putting on a mask? 

Why are we so afraid for others to see the real us? 

Why do we smile when it's crying deep down? 

Why can't we be ourselves? 

Why can't we accept each others flaw? 

Why that picture perfect frame hung up by your wall? 

Why? That facade, why? 

Thursday 18 July 2013


If there's a rating of 1-10 for the level of paranoid, I'm definitely on a high 7 now. 

There's just so many doubts, sensitivity going around now. Here's a random emo poem that's created with the feelings running through my mind.... Haa. 

When conversations get lesser and dull
I start to ask what happened to us 
When a promise is not kept
I start to doubt do you really care
Strangers to friends
and then strangers again
We became just shoulders to brush through
Exactly why?
Exactly what?
I'm doubting what I did why
So shed me some light
Before you tell me goodbye

Ok meh. I'm just getting paranoid now. I'm a sensitive person if you might now know. Hah. 

This is sad, bye. 

I wish people would stop comparing. 

Tuesday 16 July 2013


Currently in school struggling to push myself to finish another econs essay question but my brain is fried after consecutive hours of lessons non stop. 

Bring me to the end of the tunnel where there's light please. 

Urgh. Push on push on, this would not have happened if you are good and consistent from the very start. 

4 more months, I'm gonna make it count. I have to pass econs and maths for prelims this time at least. Make it count.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Suki Sushi

Yet another awesome TGIF! Met up with Audric after years of not meeting him. YAY ahhaha. Met up at dhoby and had suki sushi at The Cathay. Yum yum! 

Great food , great company. 

After having a fulfilling dinner, went back to compass point's macs to chit chat and chill!! 

Anw, we went compass point cos I'm finally staying in Punggol!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO YAY WOOHOOOOOO! Ok I'm that happy! Punggol is just my place, missed it so much while I was staying in Yishun! The vibe, the feeling about Punggol is just so nice!!! Punggol, I'm not leaving you for another good 10 years at least muahahahaha. 

Ok I'm deviating for my topic! Ahem. Anw, so glad to have met up with Audric.  Brought me away from my troubles for a little while. Amazing how meeting up with my friends at time can really perk up my days. :) 

Can't wait for the next meet up with my friends (Huishi, Crystal, Nicole) on Sunday! Nicole is finally back in town!!! 

Ok bye. I shall go back to doing econs correction. Meh!