Thursday 30 April 2015

Bangkok Day 3 - Chatuchak & Asiatique


Day 3 started off with brunch at the food court at MBK

Mango salad with crab

I order basil chicken with egg and parents ordered some pork leg thingy.
Probably not too much of a good idea eating such a spicy dish early in the morning on an empty stomach.... It was burning my stomach man, luckily no diarrhoea hehehe

Then went to get Mister donut again and had it at Burger King because we needed coffee in our system so we went to BK to get coffee.
The donuts are so cute!! And super cheap also. Think this was 17 baht, not even 80 cents. Cheap and taste good? BUY!

Selfies with daddy

 Then went back to the hotel to bathe and off we go to Chatuchak Weekend Market!


And the start of my buay paiseh selfies on the cab.......

mummy y u no care me

stop ignoring me!

yup definitely ignoring me......

look here!! give me attention!

Let me explain the numerous selfies. I was bored. Like really bored hahahaha. The story was that we took cab to Chatuchak weekend market. And the cab driver was telling us that he wants to drive us to this tourist attraction (which ended up sells souvenirs and stuff) because he says he receives vouchers by bringing us there. So we agreed because he will give us discount for our taxi ride. Actually we didn't really agree la cos we didn't really understand what he's driving at also due to the language barrier. So in the end it was a pretty long taxi ride going to the place he wants us to go to and later to the market.

When we reach the tourist attraction place, we weren't even attracted to anything they were selling so we just stepped in for maybe a brief 3 minutes and got out to patronise the driver. The driver was quite pissed off with us after that too since we didn't get anything and didn't earn him much commission I guess. He was super friendly, talking to us before we got to the place. But, after we went and didn't go anything, he was super duper quiet and pretty unfriendly on the ride to Chatuchak. Oh well..... Very practical ah this uncle tsk tsk.

Okay, story over. Time for more pictures!

Upon reaching, we spotted the popular instagram-worthy coconut ice cream stall and joined in the queue! There was quite a long queue at the stall but come on, we are talking about ice-cold coconut ice cream and iced coconut juice under the blazing hot sun while you are all sweaty and hot? Definitely a huge hit!

Chose Nata de coco and corn for my topping.
In all honesty, it wasn't THAT fantastic because the ice cream don't taste like coconut.....
But still, ice cream under the hot sun? Still a big fat YES.

Dad's hilarious face exclusive only on my blog.
No one tells him I posted this ok?

Shopped for a few hours there before heading to Asiatique! I didn't really get much there, think I only got a set of bikini, a tank top and some elephant shorts. Probably not that much of a shopping place for me but I still love the place nonetheless for the atmosphere. Even though it was CRAZY hot, but I don't know, I just really enjoy the atmosphere there where they sell a huge array of items where some were really quite a bit of eye-opener. It just felt like.... Bangkok. HAHA okay my description sucks but, ya la it felt like one of the must-go when you go to Bangkok, hence.

We-fie at Asiatique

Photo with mama, x.
Thought this was quite a sweet photo now that I'm looking back at the photos.

and they had this love lock thingy too

Dinner was at this place called "Kacha Kacha" 

Scallop! Was so fresh.
There was a promotion. This + asahi beer for 199 baht.

Yaki Udon (200 baht)
This one tastes quite good! It's like stir fried udon with pork, veg, egg and a few other seasoning.

My fav!! Sashimi!

Mmmmmmmmmm..... Oishi!

Moriawase (220 baht)
This is pretty interesting! Its mochi and melted cheese wrapped with egg omelette.
Taste quite good though it gets a bit jelat / ni / sickening for me after awhile.

Toromata Yaki (180 baht)
A spread of different teppanyaki items on stick

 And halfway through eating, they suddenly turn off the lights to demonstrate this fire teppanyaki show. Look at that fire yo!

Pretty cool deco attached on the ceiling

Then went for a stroll along the food stalls.

cute or cute?!??
Bao that can be bought for consumption straight away or you can buy it back to freeze it and consume it within days if I'm not wrong 

And we tried some snacks from this stall because we thought it was quite novel.
Ordered Salted Banana Fries.

Comes with 2 dips for 59 baht


Ordered the honey and chocolate dip.
Well...  I would say this is a pretty interesting snack! I mean , salted banana fries?! I have never ever heard of it before! But in all honesty, we couldn't really taste the banana taste hahaha. It tasted pretty much like the normal fries hehehe. If not for the black dots (seeds) on this salted banana fries, I would be adamant that its french fries

Then went for massage for our sore feet after going to some souvenir shop where people buy boxes & cartons of banana flavoured , tom yum flavoured pocky, pork floss snacks, freeze dried fruits. We bought a box worth of such food too. But eh, guys. Singapore got sell banana and tom yum pocky also, fyi HAHAHA. We thought the flavours were unique to Thailand only but turns out its not. But the prices are much more cheaper there though so yup, kinda still worth it lugging the boxes back

If you think this photo is weird, wait till you see my next photo which is well............ stalkerish I would say HAHAHAHA oops.

Check out my cute masseur.
Ok ok there there, stop judging me for this photo. 
It's not everyday you get a cute boy massaging you, even though he's probably waaaaaay too young for me but still cute ok.
In my defense, I only took this photo to prove a point to people I were telling about my cute masseur to.

I have to say this massage session was also a painful one though ): I ended up with a leg cramp on my left calf the night and day after. Probably because he was still a trainee. He was learning from the lady masseur beside him who was massaging my mother. It was quite painful the entire massage actually even though I told him to be softer ); But, er, no pain no gain? HAHA.

Anyway, you guys should give Asiatique a try! It's a nice place similar to Singapore's clark quey. Imagine clark quey but much bigger with a better view and more stalls ranging from fashion to food to souvenirs to massage etc. I would definitely go back if I were to go Bangkok again.

And here's how my day 3 ended :)