Monday 28 December 2015

GBTB Christmas Wonderland with dearest

MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU GUYS!! I hope everyone had a great time celebrating Christmas with your loved ones catching up and spending precious time together! 

I certainly had a great time meeting up and having fun with people who matters to me. Will post the pictures of my celebrations up soon!

Meanwhile, I shall update this space with my recent visit to GBTB with none other than my dearest boy heh. Told him that we should go visit GBTB since there's the christmas wonderland carnival (? or display whatever you call that haha) Saw pictures of it and I thought it was worth a visit with the pretty light displays etc. 

So on one fine day, he surprised me after my lecture and turned up in my school when I already walked to the bus stop preparing to head over to his house to find him. 

Initially, after we met, he told me that we are heading to town but as he continued driving, the surroundings kinda doesn't look like orchard / town. I thought he went the wrong direction or got lost but it was also then I realised that he's bringing me to GBTB hehe. This cutie.

Anyway, this explains why I'm dressing so lup sup in the pictures to come. Don't mind me lol. Not complaining because it was after all, a lovely surprise by the boy heh. And also pretty much a photo spam ahead just so you know hehe

Sweet boy got me macarons from his day trip to JB with his friends hehe
The times when he's sweet haha

Here's how our day went!
From walking around the park -> "The future of Us" exhibit -> Flower dome -> Christmas Wonderland

Walk through the day with us! :)

lol I don't know what's up with this pic
Eye bags please maintain sigh

you love me but I no love you, you know?!

One of my fav photo taken that day which is also now my new phone lock screen 

And here's some exclusive shots from paparazzi Ang *waves*

Paparazzi Ang shot #1

Paparazzi Ang is boliao, people keep camera also must take

Paparazzi Ang took a good shot
Target looks cute with his gong gong face here

Papparazzi Ang fails
Target spotted Papparazzi Ang and is posing for her shots
Photos no longer candid boo

LOL Papparazzi Ang says bye cos end of Paparazzi shots

Sorry ah, this is what happens when you blog at midnight.
You zi high for nothing.

The rare times that I'm standing taller than him
Not for long I'm aware

"Am I cute now" HAHA 

Pretty much what happens when you decide to let your gf take stupid pictures of you.
The picture then becomes available for the whole world to view hahaha

Series of photos below from "The Future of Us" exhibit. I actually didn't know about the existence about this exhibit but the boy told me he has two tickets for this so off we went since we had quite a lot of time to spend that day.

Basically this exhibition is about individual's aspiration in the future and also for Singapore.

So there was this exhibit where everyone can pen down their aspiration / dream 
and after you're done, it will be shown in this screen after you submit it.

And as usual, this troller boy didn't take it seriously and drew this

Proud boy with his masterpiece

The funniest thing about this is when his drawing was on the big screen, this guy beside us saw it and went like "what merlion, more like merdog"

Damn funny this boy laughed his ass off at that comment.
Time to brush up on your drawing babe hahahaha

And next, Flower Dome
Note to fellow aunties / aunty-wannabes, use your OCBC card for 15% off.
I think Passion / NTUC / Safra card enjoys 10% off.

You're welcome :) HAHA #auntiesunite #auntiepower

Love the fresh scent that the plants / flowers have to offer at the observatory.

Awkward hands much

Competing with the boy on who takes nicer pics of the flowers
Pff, don't even need to look at his. Mine is better for sure *flips hair*

Ok la, the truth is he takes nicer shots than me....
He always laugh at my pictures when I show him mine zz

Eh eh eh why you flirting and touching other girls ah
What is this atrocity

With a smart phone, everyone is instantly a professional photographer today yea?

Time to eat your daily dose of medication sir

Ok this one don't need to eat medication cos yours truly came up with this stupid suggestion for a pose

Minors please cover your eyes 
 Perky butt spotted

Reindeers are so yesterday, I'm santa's new helper yo
Step aside reindeers!

A result of gf giving stupid suggestions like asking you to copy what the bear behind is doing

Feeling slightly pedophile-ish cos he looks so young and small boy-looking is this pic. Like whauut?! I'm dating this young lad?! 
What sorcery is up with this pic haha or is it just me?

Don't they look so alike? Especially with the glasses
So cute hehe

And next, Christmas Wonderland!


And probably the moment everyone there is anticipating for - SNOW!!
Fake snow that is haha

Source of snow in sunny Singapore

Fake snow machine that produces bubbles which can also pass off as dandruff when it falls on your hair lol

(Fake) Snow doesn't excite me
Being able to be in your arms does
Naaw :') hahaha

Hahahaha if you haven't went to GBTB for their Christmas exhibit yet, I'm pretty sure with the photo spam in this blog post, you've seen most of it and there there, I saved you a trip down! 

Just kidding haha
I would highly encourage everyone to pay a visit! It's pretty out of the ordinary with the pretty decorations.

The night honestly felt pretty magical looking back! Or perhaps I'm just a sucker for pretty lightings and decoration like this. 
