Monday 21 December 2015

Christmas Vibes

Hey fellow human being!

It's Christmas week and it's also the first day of my 2 weeks school holidays woohoo. For the first day of my holiday, god forgive me for how slack I am today but I just really wanted to take a good rest from well, everything. And so I did. I spent the whole day catching up on wattpad, scrolling through social media, lazing like a pig etc. Feeling kind of guilty right now because I completely ignored the nagging voice at the back of my mind asking me to catch up and revise on my school work.

Oh well. The excuse of the day is that I have been really busy with school and work and I deserve a proper break. And also the fact that I have been getting frequent headaches the past few days isn't helping. Shame on you for giving yourself excuses ah Crystal lol.

On a side note, not too sure why I'm getting such frequent headaches but accompanied by the fact that I'm also experiencing back aches, mood swings here and there and some other symptoms of perhaps the most dreaded time of the month for most girls, I kind of get why.

Anyway, while I was showering earlier on (you know cos that's when people get inspiration and their eureka moments from), I had this flashing thought that I should go on a phone / social media detox break for a day or two.

Yes the irony that I'm saying this while typing on a laptop and using a social media platform lol. Back to my point, I just felt that I have been relying and spending way too much time on my phone and social media platforms. It's to a point that I find myself picking up my phone as a habit every now and then. And I have come to a realisation that I have not been fully processing certain information at times. Like sometimes, I just scroll through and read something without much pondering and processing and I just sometimes forget about that piece of information shortly. I guess it attributes to the convenience of technology today, you get information too conveniently (and may I add on too fast) and I guess, you just don't put much thought into it?

But I mean it sure is not easy to be apart from your phone / social media these days. But I guess for a start, I shall try to attempt it tomorrow. Perhaps put my phone on airplane mode for a few hours and resist the temptation of using it.

Hahahaha anyway, oh man, how did I get from christmas to this.

Let's get back to the topic of Christmas which I'm pretty excited for right now! I have quite a bit of meet ups lined up and the thought of it makes me excited. Here's a glimpse of how my week looks like ahead.

Wednesday - Staycation at Studio M with my JC friends
Thursday - Celebration and gift exchange with Marcus
Friday - Chalet and BBQ with mum's friends
Saturday - Meet up with my bffs after work

Hehehe. Sounds like a good week already!

Alright, I hope you guys have a really good Christmas week ahead, catching up with your loved ones and immerse yourself in the spirit of giving :) Merry Christmas in advance!

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