Saturday 31 December 2016

2016 in a glance

Will be spending my last day of 2016 at work today, after which, I will go hang out with my best friends for some drinks and countdown. Just a quick reflection on my year while in transit. I believe in reflections a lot 'cos what's experiences without any lessons right?

2016 for me was..... well, let's put a word to it after I'm done reflecting.

Things I'm thankful for this year:

Multiple travel opportunities!

- Thailand trip which was my first ever overseas trip I went without my family. It's also the first holiday that I paid using my own hard earned money so that's a personal accomplishment for me. From this trip, I also learnt more about my own temperament and personality.

- Langkawi with my JC friends which really bonded us together more

- Australia trip which really opened my eyes to a different culture and made me realize how much more I can do to grow out of my comfort zone.

- KL trip with my family this month which I really spent quality time with. Thankful to mum who insisted that I go along in face of me being an emotional crying mess earlier this month.

Academically, I'm thankful that I did pretty decent for my first finals in university, which was actually much more better than I had expected. Of course, this wouldn't have been possible with the support of study buddies and loved ones who saw me through.

In the scope of career, I'm thankful that I grew more and learnt more, both in technical skills and interpersonal relationships. I was also given more learning opportunities and tasks that I'm more than eager to grab for.

In the aspect of family, I'm thankful that we grew stronger and closer despite adversities. I'm really glad that our family structure is one that we can just talk and sort out through mismatched opinions. And towards my mum, I'm especially thankful for having such a great mum whom I can tell almost everything to. She was there for me through my emotional wreck moments and any other times, really.

In the aspect of friends, I'm glad that this year, I made more friends / acquaintances and at the same time, grew closer with friends that I treasure. My good friends were there through my ups and downs (you know who you are). Especially thankful to Huishi who stuck with me throughout everything. She was the first one I went to and cried to during my downs. She's the one I would turn to these days to tell almost everything to. She's really the one with the rare same frequency and thoughts that I have, which I cannot be more than grateful for.

Relationship wise, well. This is a sensitive topic to talk about but I'm no longer together with M. I have decided not to delete any posts with him here because after all, this space is one where I express the rawest of feelings I'm willing to online. And I would say, he was a great part of my life that I would hate to erase. He taught me a lot about love and more importantly about myself. I suppose he will always hold a significant place in my heart for life because after all, he's someone that I really loved with all my heart and shared so many firsts with. Shouldn't dwell on it further because I would want to respect his privacy too. But for now,we have decided to go separate ways and I wish him happiness and all the best in whatever he pursue, from the bottom of my heart. All in all, this year, I'm thankful for the life lessons that I learnt from this relationship and for the realizations I made about myself from the experiences we shared.

These are some main broad aspects that I can think about for now.

Moving forward, this is the tough part (I will set more along the way), here are some main broad lessons / goals that I would love to accomplish:

- Learning to love myself more. I have been saying this for ages, but I really shouldn't discount myself and believe in myself more. I hope I learn to really put my interests and well-being first and find validity within/from myself.

- Focus on what's priority in life. I guess there are really some things / people in life that's worth investing and some that are not.

- Learn to say "no" more often

- Be more embracing of negative incidents. Last night, I made a realization about myself. I was so eager to blanket the unhappiness and move on with life that at the end of the day, I felt more strained and drained from all the distractions I threw myself into. I guess it is after all, okay to allow myself to be in pain and wallow in despair for awhile longer. I'm human after all.

- Be more discerning and less trusting

- Do more reading and researching to enhance myself as a person intellectually

With that, the word I would put to this year would be enriching. I, after all, learnt so much lessons and grew so much as a person, be it from the good or bad experiences.

On this note, have a great year ahead guys! I sincerely wish y'all, the best, in whatever you choose to pursue or embark on in the new year, x.

Thursday 29 December 2016

These few days, I met up with different groups of people for catch up. Many a times, we ended up having heart to heart talk for some reason.  All these conversations made me felt a bit overwhelmed and emotionally drained I don't know why. I feel overwhelmed by things I learnt about myself and my deepest thoughts that I might not have realised myself, coupled with several life lessons. I think overwhelmed would be the right word because now I feel so confused about everything I used to believe in. I feel like throughout the past month, I start to see things differently and what I used to believe in starts to shatter. Perhaps this is all part and parcel of growing up. I mean, change is the only constant after all I suppose. Not sure if these changes in mindset is for good or bad. Time will tell and heal I hope.

Monday 12 December 2016

"你还是住在我的回忆里 不出来
让我们微笑离开 让故事留下来
放手后 爱依然在
雪融了 就应该花开
缘若尽了 就不该再重来

你依旧住在我的回忆里 不出来
我离开将你的手交给 下个最爱
纠缠与固执等待 反而是另一种伤害
彼此紧握的手松开 去拥抱更多未来"