Friday 30 August 2013



I realise my recent blog posts are all damn short with one photo and a few lines, look damn bo xim huh hahahaha. Was surviving one month without wifi cos we moved and the wifi needed time to install! So all I had was my phone which had limited internet connection. It still has limited connection now, ): I guess that's cos its a new HDB building and the provider kind of needs time to establish the signal lines and stuff.

Anyways, just ended my prelims and it was hai... dont know what to say. I never fail to disappoint myself by giving up halfway when the going gets tough. well.

Moving on, 28/08 was my birthday! I'M FINALLY 18 WOOHOO. I've imagined how it would feel like to be 18 years back and now that I'm 18, I dont really feel anything........... life-changing or whatnots leh haahha. Maybe cos I'm still stuck in a JC as a life of a student. oh well.

Went to Todai at MBS with the gugus and mummy. All of them actually took leave to celebrate with me..... SO MUCH LOVE. hehe. Was looking forward to dining at Todai nearing my birthday hearing all the good reviews and seeing photos of all the eye-feasting scrumptious spread of food and seafood that I adore. BUT. it all turns out to be a major disappointment and spoils all of our mood. Why so?

1) We reached at 1pm ( the buffet ends at 4) and there was NO FOOD. The sushi was left like 1 or 2 pieces, tempura was left with crisps. YOU CALL THIS A BUFFET?? I was utterly shocked that the high expectations and excitement for the buffet turns out to be like that. Went to complain to the manager about it and he said they will replenish and it was because there was a group of 200 people before us, explaining the little food left. Well, at that time, I thought "oh its ok then, we will just wait for them to replenish the food"

2) The pathetic amount of food left was cold and tasteless. & the seafood wasn't fresh.

that just says , looks are deceiving. only some food was okay e.g. 

korean nian gao.

I was so disappointed and took very little food.

3) They said they would replenish. But no! They did not. After an hour or so, there was still very very little food. Those that they replenished were only replenished minimally, adding on a few pieces. Tempura was still empty. We complained and they said they are replenishing still. Yes, I understand that they may need time to cook and replenish the food. But as a buffet restaurant, are customers supposed to wait for you to finish cooking? The whole concept of a buffet is the spread of unlimited flow of food up to the customer's heart delight. They offered to cook whatever we want to eat, but hello? A buffet is not about what we want to eat and then you cook that dish.......... There's suppose to be a wide spread of food available for us to choose!

In conclusion, I'm utterly disappointed. I felt quite sorry that we complained and scolded the manager quite a bit but in all honesty, they deserve it. If they do not have the capability to serve and cater to so many customers , then please, do not even accept the reservations and end up not serving to your best ability. URGH

I'm so sorry for the long rant but just thinking of it makes my blood boil now, it was my birthday eh! I PAID $42 PER PAX OKKKKKKKKKKKK. Looking at the bright side, the desserts were not too bad. 

After the disappointing experience, went to shop around then went to High Society Cafe. Finally, the table was filled with compliments for the good dessert. 

Strawberry shortcake and macarons

Order cupcakes too but didn't managed to take any photos. The staff was nice enough to give us one free cupcake on account of my birthday! so nice!! THANKS hehehe.



Thank you mummy for everything! Thanks for spending so much money on me on my birthday and happy
18 years of living with me hehehehe.

Xiao gu!

Da Gu!

Er gu!

Took photos along the "river" too! The sampang man was damn nice to help us take quite a number of photos enthusiastically , asking us to pose at different spots at all. Very impressed!


Then, went to fetch dad and sis and went for dinner at Frenzie's! Thanks for celebrating with me hehe

Hawaiian pizza

Pork ribs

Crab and Lobster pasta (mine, nice!)

With the mum mum! xx

Sissy and pa!


It was a good day! Felt blessed and loved with the family's presence and wishes. Thank you god. x.

Friday 23 August 2013


Sit on reserved seat - stomp. 

Couples PDA - stomp

Random whatnots - stomp. 

What is stomp really feeding? Is it helping to create a more gracious society by reminding one another of what is right and what is wrong? 

Or are they actually just creating a more critical and cynical society without us realizing it ourselves? I mean, fuuuuu, look at those comments on stomp! Gone are the ones who are really worried about the wrong actions and instead replaced with personal attacks and comments of others. So called witty after witty ones.  Have they ever wondered how those comments may have wronged the one that got stomped or how those stompers actually misunderstood the intentions of the "bad person". 

Quoting the case of the guide dog - the blind owner brought the guide dog up onto the bus and yes it is allowed by law. What happened next? "How can they bring dogs up onto the bus" . The blind lady herself spoke to us in a talk and she said that the stomper did not know she was blind. Are we jumping into conclusions? 

 I feel that it's feeding singapore to become this society that jumps too quick in what they have to say before looking at the broader picture? 

Furthermore, some articles are outright trying to create a segregation and ill feelings among PRs and the citizens. And these articles are definitely not new to Singaporeans too. And I mean, how would you feel if you were in a country slogging off your life only to be treated as a third class citizen. Horrible huh? 

These are just my thoughts but I'm on the side that we should be feeding into a more positive slant of perspective of our country and stay cohesive. Not create ill feelings and big hoo-haa among the Rojak society we have. 

What are we really feeding? 

Saturday 17 August 2013

Caffeine fix

My caffeine fix for the 2 days of study break. 3 more days to prelims. Push on! 

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Humanity restored

In a good mood now cos I have a free meal! Hahaha but not cos I gained a free meal but rather why so. It's so nice that humanity exists in a way that humans can help one another in a positive way! 

Free meal was from this china guy. Cos he needed wifi but macdonalds wifi was wireless@sg and it's only available for locals. So he asked how to. And I googled for him locations on free wifi, and found some tourist wifi on wireless@sg. And end up lending him my hotspot. He got us a meal in return without us expecting anything. He didn't have to do that, he could had just said a simple thanks. But he chose to despite my repeated protests, he chose to go to the extent to waste $7 plus on a complete stranger from a foreign land. And that's what touched me the most.

And no it isn't drugged HAHAHAA. Nice that humans are able to help out one another admidst all the cases of corruption greed poverty and all. Now I have a better impression on china, all the stereotypes, lets leave it behind. 


Thursday 1 August 2013

I dislike falling in love

This. Amazing post by

(& pssst, no I'm not in love with anyone now, just found this relatable) 


Girlfriend Jafri braided my hair! Pretty huh!