Wednesday 14 August 2013

Humanity restored

In a good mood now cos I have a free meal! Hahaha but not cos I gained a free meal but rather why so. It's so nice that humanity exists in a way that humans can help one another in a positive way! 

Free meal was from this china guy. Cos he needed wifi but macdonalds wifi was wireless@sg and it's only available for locals. So he asked how to. And I googled for him locations on free wifi, and found some tourist wifi on wireless@sg. And end up lending him my hotspot. He got us a meal in return without us expecting anything. He didn't have to do that, he could had just said a simple thanks. But he chose to despite my repeated protests, he chose to go to the extent to waste $7 plus on a complete stranger from a foreign land. And that's what touched me the most.

And no it isn't drugged HAHAHAA. Nice that humans are able to help out one another admidst all the cases of corruption greed poverty and all. Now I have a better impression on china, all the stereotypes, lets leave it behind. 


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