Friday 23 August 2013


Sit on reserved seat - stomp. 

Couples PDA - stomp

Random whatnots - stomp. 

What is stomp really feeding? Is it helping to create a more gracious society by reminding one another of what is right and what is wrong? 

Or are they actually just creating a more critical and cynical society without us realizing it ourselves? I mean, fuuuuu, look at those comments on stomp! Gone are the ones who are really worried about the wrong actions and instead replaced with personal attacks and comments of others. So called witty after witty ones.  Have they ever wondered how those comments may have wronged the one that got stomped or how those stompers actually misunderstood the intentions of the "bad person". 

Quoting the case of the guide dog - the blind owner brought the guide dog up onto the bus and yes it is allowed by law. What happened next? "How can they bring dogs up onto the bus" . The blind lady herself spoke to us in a talk and she said that the stomper did not know she was blind. Are we jumping into conclusions? 

 I feel that it's feeding singapore to become this society that jumps too quick in what they have to say before looking at the broader picture? 

Furthermore, some articles are outright trying to create a segregation and ill feelings among PRs and the citizens. And these articles are definitely not new to Singaporeans too. And I mean, how would you feel if you were in a country slogging off your life only to be treated as a third class citizen. Horrible huh? 

These are just my thoughts but I'm on the side that we should be feeding into a more positive slant of perspective of our country and stay cohesive. Not create ill feelings and big hoo-haa among the Rojak society we have. 

What are we really feeding? 

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