Tuesday 9 September 2014

Greed's Doing

(Overdue post that I vented my thoughts out but didn't got to posting) 

I really don't like the idea of gambling.

I mean I'm fine with the occasional gambling during chinese new year / gathering for fun. But I have a problem with people who rely on gambling so much so that they are obsessed with it and its a everyday thing for them.

You cross the line once gambling is for money and not a form of entertainment anymore. 

There was once I was in a library studying and I overheard a conversation between a dad and a young daughter. The daughter was asking him to buy something for him and he conveniently answered it with "ok papa today win 4D buy for you". I mean yes, maybe whatever she wants is not necessary, probably a toy or something. But the dad could simply tell her to not waste money on unnecessary stuff if they are tight on cash instead of giving her false hope. He's not just giving her false hopes, he had even unknowingly taught her the wrong values. Who knows the poor young girl has pinned all hopes on her daddy's 4D and thinks that gambling is the only way out? 

Seeing how young kids always have to stand and wait for their parents outside the lottery area waiting for them to bet, I told myself there's no way I'm going to let my kids be in their shoes. 

And I have witnessed too many families around me break apart and get themselves into debts because of gambling addictions. But then again who am I to judge since everyone have different reasons behind why they chose to get started on gambling. And the many more others that are hooked on and failed to quit even after numerous hard attempts.

Maybe it's a form of hope for a better living with just a mere $2. If $2 can buy you some hope, it doesn't sounds as bad right? Or does it? 

I just hope less people would fall in the trap of gambling addictions because no one deserves to be in that situation. 

I have people telling me to go and try to buy 4D or TOTO because of beginner's luck. Maybe there will be, maybe there's no such thing but my mind is set clear that I will not buy lottery.

I mean after all it's easy to get started but never easy to get out of the endless cycle and stop gambling. Most of those who buy lottery for years probably continue buying them. 

After all, you have bet on your favourite numbers for years and a "what if these numbers open tonight, I have already buy for so long, if tonight I don't buy and it opens, ai wan (slang for such a waste) man! " will always be at the back of your mind. And, these will be the nagging thoughts at the back of one's mind that will result in a possible never-ending cycle of gambling.

I guess the best way out is to not even get started, that's a definite.

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