Sunday 7 September 2014

Dancing Crab // Noms Bistro // 19th

Hi dollies! Here's part two of my birthday log hehehe. So on my actual birthday, went to Dancing Crab with my family. Dancing Crab is located at Turf Club if you are interested to go! If I'm not wrong, its Mediterranean cuisine. 

Let the pictures do the talking!

With the sis that don't look like me

First dish - Crab Claws! It's pretty nice. You can actually taste the distinct crab meat inside. It's really juicy too!

Ordered Combo Bag 1 with their mild signature sauce. The combo bag ($80) consists of Sri Lanka Crab, prawns, mussels, sausage and corn! Thought the sauce was quite interesting. It tastes like spicy tomato sauce somehow.

What will I ever do without seafood......... Such goodness!

Lobster Roll! 

Overall, dinner at Dancing Crab was quite nice! We didn't order much though because we didn't really know what to order. Haha the folks were a bit not used to the lack of rice though. Guess our family is really used to having rice to go with seafood..... I liked it though! Quite a good deal also, we had a 15% discount with OCBC (i think) credit card

Then went over to one of the cafes at the Grandstand cos my parents bought me birthday cupcakes and we needed a place to eat the cake! Ordered Movenpick ice cream too.

Raspberry Sorbet and Chocolate ice cream.
 Love the raspberry sorbet because I love sour stuff (#crystalfacts101 hehe) , so much so that in school last time I use to bring sour plum to class and my friends always like to say that I'm pregnant..... 

Cute cupcakes from....... I don't know where. Hahaha they got it from Takashimaya though.

Yup I'm 10 years old only.

Parents got me a present too! Didn't expect them to get me a present actually hehe. What a pleasant surprise.

What my parents got me - Issey Miyake Perfume. One of their latest range! It's quite refreshing and nice-smelling, my everyday scent now.

Really thankful for my family! Every year without fail, they will ask me where I want to celebrate my birthday at and spend time with me on my birthday. Thanks ♥ ❣ ❤ ❥ ❦ ❧ ♡ ɞ ʚ ღ ஐ ლ დ ഇ (lots of hearts for you all hehe)


Went to Noms Bistro @ Macpherson CC with Crystal and Huishi the next day after work.

Smoked Salmon and Smoked Duck Pizza

Such a feast to the eyes. Oreo and chocolate rainbow cake! Also, frozen Kirin Beer. I always feel that rainbow cakes are only nice in appearance and never too good in taste, it taste pretty bland if I have to describe it. Hahaha well, at least Nom Bistro's one taste better than the others I have tried.

With my fav ah ma. HAHA kidding! Don't kill me if you are reading this okay Hui Hui?

With the pretty Crystal!

Asked one of the staff there to help us take our photos. Here are the photos! 


Here you go!


We laughed until our stomach pain and started tearing HAHAHA. We were like sitting there for a whole one minute just waiting for him to help us take a picture hahahaha. 

He said that our phone was lagging but when we took it back, found out that the phone was working perfectly! I guessed maybe he accidentally activated the "AE lock" thingy on iPhone.... Don't understand me? Never mind hehe I don't really know what happened too, was too busy laughing hahaha

Super funny hahaha imagine sitting there and posing for 30 seconds. Couldn't control our laughter! He still tell us "you all just lun (slang for tahan, tahan is slang for....... endure! hehe was thinking of the right word) for like one minute" HAHAHA

Sorry but I think we are better off just taking photos ourselves hehehehe.
Thanks for your help nonetheless, Mr Funny. Thanks!

As usual, a great night with the lovely girls! Always filled with laughter and fun with them. Thank you my favorite beautiful girls for celebrating with me! What would I do without you girls........... Let's continue celebrating each other's birthday until we are like 80 ok? Love you all! 


Also, met up with the SDSC cca mates too! Finally had a catch up session after years. Great time catching up with each other!

At Mad Jack. Food is *thumbs down*

Went to walk around and had dessert after that!

With the panda boy

With my fav botak cca mate. 

Great night all in all! Thank you guys for the treat and present! Unexpected hehehehehe thanks, x! Jiayou and continue doing well in army kay!


And this is the end to my birthday celebrations. So thankful for my friends and families...... It's especially during this period that I feel extremely blessed and loved. Glad to be receiving wishes from people whom I have not talked to in a long time or even from people whom I'm not close to (even though Facebook probably reminded you HAHA).Thanks for all the wishes and for those who celebrated with me, thanks for making the effort to do so. Thanks for the presents too. Sorry that I made you guys spend money. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, x!

A very happy 19 years old Crystal signing off. Bye!

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