Tuesday 19 May 2015

Sunday - Always a great time with you

Met up with bf on Sunday! 

Snapchat that I sent to him before heading out hehe
bed hair don't care.

First stop was to Strictly Pancakes to fill up our tummy. 

My second time to Strictly Pancakes and this time round, I love it more than the first round! The first time round I ordered the chocolate pancake + chocolate sauce + chocolate ice cream. Aiyah everything chocolate la haha. Was damn jelat that time I told myself I'm not gonna have pancakes for the next few months.

This time round I tried something different. Pancakes with berries sauce + custard (I believe) + vanilla ice cream & it was good! Love having a good breakfast / brunch, it just starts off the day well I feel like the rest of my day is complete / will be great already.

Good brunch with a cute date. What else can I ask for?

Then headed to National Museum of Singapore since neither of us had really visited it before! Slightly different from the usual date places but I thought it was quite interesting. When we visited that day, there was several exhibitions e.g. Memoriam for Mr Lee, 700 years of SG (talking about the past of SG) and some photo exhibit showing the architecture of Singapore. My fav that day was the 700 years of SG! Interesting learning about the past of Singapore and some was quite interactive with scents for us to smell to get a better idea of the exhibits they were showing.

Read about this red box that Mr Lee used to carry around in one of the articles online & felt so touched when I read it.
Glad to see it in real life.

my bimbo bf taking photo against one of the photos in the architecture photography exhibit.
hahahahaha its kinda cool cos it feels a bit like trick eye museum, indeed make him look like he's in the place taken in the photographs

my vain pot

cos I lazy to rotate this pic so please turn your head heh

lai museum jiu shi lai camwhore de lor
2 bimbz

reminds me of the h2 geography days
all the rock strata & stuff

Then headed to Suntec / Marina Square to shop!

Strawberry Mille Crepe at Mr Bean cafe

trying to snap a picture of him

but someone pretending not to look

yay picture taken

at Toys "R" Us
is my bf 23 or 3?


qt pie

Always a good time with you, x.

(After-post note: Just realised this is my 250th post! Didn't know I have so many posts.... Happy 250th post-sary to me and p-artandparcel.blogspot.com yay! hahaha )

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