Friday 1 May 2015

USS day with ♡

Visited Universal Studios Singapore on Monday with Marcus! Bought our tickets from Carousell for only $55 (vs the rtp at $74) cos we aunty, oops, I meant economically-savvy. Such a great steal right! One of the sellers even gave us $20 worth of food and retail USS vouchers even though some require minimum purchases of a certain amount.

Probably one of the earliest date I ever had. Usually, on my off days, I don't wake up until at least 10 am. But on Monday, I actually woke up pretty early at around 8.15 am so as to not waste the day and also so that we can finish the rides.

On the way to USS in the car.

Selfies on the tram towards beach station to take tram to USS area!

is it just me or he looks like..........

sorry not sorry, Marcus hehe

With the iconic globe thingy outside USS.
Someone please remind us to get a selfie stick so that we can bring out our inner Asian tourist abilities and take better selfies.

"why are those popcorns on the vehicle not real ): "

bee doh bee doh bee doh bee doh

someone explain to me why is my bf so weird 
hahahaha ok to explain his case, he was trying to take an artistic (? ahem) of the lines and floor

pattern more than badminton

trying to take ootd shots 

and this is what happens to the gf when he takes ootd.
instantly become a human hanger for his bag and camera

this is a picture of........ the floor
hahahaha because we were having a mini competition on who can take better pictures.
I insisted that my iPhone 6 take better pictures than his olympus pen, hence. hehe

when he's too busy snapping pictures to entertain me 

Halfway through the rides, it rained for about an hour odd and the rides were suspended. What a bummer! Luckily it was only for an hour and we still managed to complete majority of the rides.

While waiting for the rides to be resumed

excusez moi, where's my red carpet to welcome me back to my castle?!


And this rock-climber enthusiast was so excited to take on the rock wall at USS
I don't want to boost his ego so nobody tells him I think he looks hot in this photo

on the carousel cos we are young at heart
hahahahaha we were actually kinda stoning on the ride feeling sleepy after all the previous rides

Hi call me paparazzi Ang

orh hor point middle finger orh hor

the outcome of the previous photos

damn irritating this boy
when we were deciding what to have for lunch, he asked me 'do you want to eat subway' and I was like 'ya sure, I don't mind, they have subway here?' and he pointed to this subway
damn lame please

no we didn't come up with this corny pose
the photographer told us to do this hahahaha

nope I dont understand his pose too

yup I really don't
maybe..... he's pointing up to the....... ok sorry, I really have no clue what he's pointing at

And the below are mainly from his camera

looks like I have a loyal fan ah
drink water also must take picture of me hahaha 

anyway, do you guys know that you are supposed to wait for a few seconds and let the water drain before you drink water from the water cooler?
If you don't, now you know. You're welcome hahahaha

I learnt it the hard way after I kenna suan after saying the water tastes a bit funny

I look like a lost kid here somehow hahaha

OOTD in a weird pose
I should totally enrol for a "how to take OOTD 101" crash course

When he keep snapping photos of me non stop when I was shopping

Bean boozled beans where we tried it on a later date which is a story for another day

ending off this post with my new lock screen picture

Thank you my dear for this great day out! It was truly a carefree day that I warmly welcome as a break from reality. How I wish everyday can be like that where all we have to worry is which ride to go on and what to have for lunch hahahaha.
Thank you for driving me there and sending me home after that :)
Although you forced me up on every single roller coaster ride, even making me sit front row for one of the rides (hate you babe), I still enjoyed the day.  

Can't wait for more adventures with you, x.

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