Friday 3 July 2015

Picnic & Kite Flying at Barrage

Went for picnic & kite-flying at Marina Barrage on Monday with Marcus! Before that, lunch was at the famous Sembawang Bai Mee Fen!

Then headed to Giant to get some snacks for our picnic. Probably too little food but it was a healthy picnic definitely. Well, at least the fruits are healthy.

indeed, what's Monday blues hehe

We probably reached there too early. Went there around 4 plus and the sun was scorching hot!
If I was olaf, I would have melted in seconds

this is.................... my cute bf who's also a bird wannabe HAHA.
babe if you are seeing this, don't kill me, I sincerely seek for your forgiveness.

"flap flap flap. red bull gives you wings? nah, this kite gives me wings. flap flap flap, I'm a little bird"
HAHA no, he didn't say that.
Monologue credits to yours truly

Modelling 101 - this is called the "pretend-I'm-staring-into-space-while-I'm-eating-pufferfish" pose
Trending pose of 2015

& this is the "hook-thumb-into-pockets-because-who-does-that-in-daily-life-so-I-must-hook-my-thumb-when-I-have-the-chance" pose
Well, this, this is a classic pose that he nailed.
HAHAHA he's so gonna kill me after this

and this is the "pretentious-candid-pic-where-I-stare-into-space-cos-its-so-common-that-people-smile-at-an-empty-spot-everyday" pose

and this is the "annoyed-with-gf-snapping-pics-non-stop-can-you-hurry-the-f-up" pose

and this is the "ok-la-faster-take-la-weather-very-hot-can't-you-see-I'm-squinting-my-eyes-I-smile-to-you-faster-take" pose

and this is the "hi-I'm-a-pedophile-potential" sneaky look

so the boy challenged me to take photos of clouds.
he laughed when I showed him this. 
Cos apparently it's really just "cloud-cloud" hahahaha
he took it with the building landscape lor, so I don't care, whoever abides the rule wins even though his picture look nicer

he haz a paparazzi girlfwenz

cos messy hair don't care *flips hair*

take picture with me very torturing very sad very xinku meh
side note, we finally got a selfie stick!

cos we be yolo swag no regrets like cool kids

Okay, below are some photo spam where we act cute and did the "1-10" poses. You can skip it but if you wanna see them, thank you very much for patronising our act cute pics.

You are such a kind soul awww.

walao hair really flying everywhere




this is him suggesting we do a high five & me eating my hair cos hungry 

 hey I just met you and this is crazy, but here's my number so CALL ME MAYBE?

yo mei yo cool like 007?

huat ah

I look retarded

version 1.0 - I look like I'm surrendering and his inverted 10

version 2.0

yay ok no more act cute pictures
I can visualise and hear everyone heave a sigh of relief from these torturous act cute pictures at this point lol

wa my photography skills not bad right!
anyone wanna hire me?
*winks winks*

On a side note, got to thank my bf for teaching me the tricks and tips to flying a kite! I have actually never really succeeded in flying a kite (or rather I never really did bother to attempt it) but guess what, I actually know how to fly a kite now.

YAY +1 point for kite noob me.

At one point, I was even flying the highest kite. *pats myself on the back*  * beams widely*

And nooooooooo, he didn't helped me fly the kite up and let me take over. HAHA my mum was skeptical and assumed so. 

Hello, I fly the kite myself ok! He helped release the kite though.
But of course I wouldn't have made it without his advice / tips.

On a fair note, his kite belongs to the better range so I guess that really helped.

Nonetheless, thanks babe! Was really fun albeit tiring heh.

"they said I can be anything I want
so I became a witch with a flying broom"

Lazed and watch the stars until 8 plus before heading for dinner. 
Was really relaxing and calming to be looking up at the sky, being away from the hustle and bustle of the busy city, being in his embrace with talks of ambitions, life, etc.

So great to unwind indeed. Contented and enjoying bliss in a simple form.

We even saw a shooting star! Didn't manage to make a wish like the Taiwan / Korean drama series though, it was passing too fast.

After which, dinner was at Satay by the bay. First visit there and I thought it was good! Compared to Serangoon Gardens chomp chomp where they similarly offer local delicacies, I would much prefer this if not for the distance from my house.

There's better ventilation and air circulation and much more options like western cuisine aside from the local delicacies too!

And like how all good things come to an end. The great date came to an end and this post has also came to an end. 

Ending this post with this picture of us!

Extremely thankful for the day well spent.
 Great day and great company indeed, x!

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