Thursday 23 July 2015

Silver Lining in Pain

(Posting this because I miss him hehe. Backlog post that I detailed down some time back after the incident, intending to post it on a later date) 

There was this one time when I had a really bad gastric pain. It was the first time my gastric hurts so much to the extent that I felt nauseous. It was the most intense gastric pain I ever had. 

At that time, I was with Marcus at his house. We didn't had dinner earlier because I wasn't that hungry but who knows, when we were leaving for late night dinner / supper, I was strucked with the worst gastric pain ever. 

But anyway, that's not the point. Hehe moving on. 

Knowing that I was having gastric pain, he immediately poured me a glass of water and got me some biscuits to munch on. After awhile, I felt and thought I was better, so we left for prata (only because it was late and I insisted that I'm okay to eat prata). 

But damn it, upon reaching, I was feeling so nauseous again I felt bile at my throat. Hence, I stood at one side to rest in case I vomit at the prata shop (man, that would have been utterly gross looking back). He stood by me patiently at a side, carried my things and rubbed my back. 

After I felt slightly better and reached the prata shop, he immediately ordered for me without delay. I remember how he was looking at me with a pained look, seeing that I'm in discomfort,  asking me which beverage I want, recommending I order a milo or something to soothe my stomach. I didn't though hehehe cos I don't like milky stuff (picky as he would describe me)

& when the prata came, he offered and subsequently helped me break the prata into smaller pieces seeing that I'm in pain. 

But because I was feeling so much discomfort than expected, I couldn't stomach down the prata at all and only ate a few bites. And these few bites was with so much difficulty, I literally chew chew chew, drink some water and swallow the food with water. Oh god, remind me to always eat on time. It was SO uncomfortable.

He asked if I wanted to go rest in the car first and when I said no and that it's okay, it was evident that he was eating much faster just so I could go and rest in the car faster even when I told him to slow down. He reassured me to not worry and that he could eat it fast (this silly boy). Once he's done with his food, he asked me to sit down and settled the bill and held me back to the car. 

When I was in the car and closed my eyes to rest, this caring boy immediately turn the radio volume smaller so that I can rest better and drove me home. 

Below my house, there was a convenience store. He asked me to stay and wait in the car while he rushed to get food for me. He came back with a sandwich and Ribena and also attempted to get me medication but unfortunately the store doesn't sells it. 

Since I was feeling pain and discomfort, and even though the gastric pain was caused by an empty stomach, I couldn't get myself to eat much and it's just so hard to swallow any food down. 

Despite so, he waited patiently for me to eat and coaxed me to eat more even when I told him I didn't want to eat anymore. 

Thankfully he did so because I felt so much better after having some food in my system despite how tough it was to swallow them down. Thereafter, he sent me back home, reminding me to rest and take good care of myself and not go to work the next day if I'm still not feeling well.

At that moment, I felt so much better (physically & mentally) and told myself that the pain was totally worth it because I got to see how much he care and that was the silver lining out of the pain indeed. I was stupendously touched and felt blessed with him around caring for me. It was a similar way my dad would have cared for my mum or for me. 

In my opinion, I believe that in a relationship, it's the small actions that matters more. It's not the flattery, sweet nothings but the actions that shows more than words. And it is these exact small actions that made me really touched.  

Maybe having someone care for you this way might mean nothing much to some people, or maybe some would have took it for granted. But to me, this would always stay as a memory for me to look fondly back at.

To Marcus - Thank you for showing me love, and for making these few months with you so great. As you or my close friends / family would know, I can be a really indecisive person at times. As one of my bffs still remembers and speaks about it until now, I once took half an hour to decide what pen to get from popular. Hahaha but case in point, despite my sometimes indecisive nature, choosing to be with you is one of my best decisions the whole year round and one of the best things that happened to me this year. May the journey of ours continue to be like that in years to come. I'm looking forward :) 

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