Wednesday 9 September 2015

I'm 20! (Part Two) - With dearest bf & bffs

Met bf the day after my birthday for a more private birthday celebration with the two of us!

What greeted me when I got into his car hehe

Went "awwww" when I saw this!
It's so pretty, especially because it's bought by someone special hehe

Reminds me of him every time I look at it when I wear it out nowadays.

Hehe, remembered this funny convo we had

Me: Aw so is the big heart like you, and the small heart me?! (Referring to the charm)
Marcus: Huh no la I see nice then I just buy lor
Me: Walao can't you be more romantic and just say yes to make me happy?!
Marcus: Aw yes yes. The big heart is me and the small heart is you and this means you are always in my heart *flashes proud smile*

HAHA. Not bad ah this boy very quick witted hahaha. Nice comeback.
Haha hashtag annoying gf.

Brunch's at Dempsey Hill! Walked around a little and settled for Jone's.

Fatty me ordered big breakfast but as usual, I can't finish my food so who does the food goes to?
Hahahaha I think the answer is pretty obvious hehe

Pretty sure some of the weight bf gained is attributed to him finishing my food for me hehe

Well, they say, to keep a man, you have to keep his stomach full.
Since I can't cook, I share my food with you darling :) HAHA warped logic

Bf's eggs royale!

After the great brunch, headed to Science Centre since we didn't really have anything planned out for the afternoon. Was great revisiting the Science Centre, exploring it like kids once again. 

Thought Science Centre was really empty for a weekend though and it's really quite run down now ): They ought to revamp it soon so that kids today can experience the same fun learning science we did back then!

Oscars award material
Anyone wanna cast him?

Fire tornado!

This goofball very shamelessly took a lot of photos of himself including silly poses like the following photos hahaha
It's kinda like a photo booth thingy showing the advances in photography technology and your pictures will be displayed for show for everyone at Science Centre

maintain please

this qt pie haha

Went to shop around a little, had dinner and went home afterwards!

selfies in the car heh

Pity we didn't had nice pictures that day, following pictures are screenshot of some gif videos we did hehe, hence the blurry stills.

Hehe great day with this sweetheart
He surprised me with an unexpected birthday card which was so well decorated and nice it made me teared :') they say the best surprises are the ones that are least expected and how true it was

Irritating boy keep insisting that he didn't make me a card when I asked for my birthday card. And I believed him la, I even went to the extent and said "why you never make me a card! very easy one ma, just write happy birthday on foolscap paper fold into half also can" and his A* acting skills was all like "huh.. sorry la. I don't know how to make card"

& When I got into the car on the way home, he placed the card on my lap. Acting skills very good ah babe hahahaha. I was super shocked and looking at the card just made me so touched cos it was so nice but at the same time, I was feeling silly and embarrassed because I was fooled into his good acting skills. 

But true indeed, it made receiving the card much more exciting and touching cos I wasn't expecting it at all.

Thank you for the effort you put into my birthday, making me feel like a princess for the day.
I'm sorry I created some drama with my pms lately and for being so insecure & all hehe

I'm so glad to have you around my dear, thank you, x.


And on the following day, went out to meet my dearest girls, Crystal and Huishi! Headed to Monochrome Bistro which was located at Chinatown for dinner.

It's about a 5 minutes walk from the MRT station and luckily we didn't cab there like we initially wanted being the "no sense of direction" girls we are haha. It turned out to be pretty accessible and we managed to locate the place with the power of GPS haha. 

Dinner there was quite good! Although a little pricey but we thought it was still worth the trip. It was really cozy and the deco with the monochrome theme was nice!

Lol Huishi had a very funny description for the picture - "她看起来很像被两个妖兽强吻"
HAHA which means I look like I'm being force kissed by two monsters

That's not true ok hahaha I wasn't very forced, it's just the camera angle haha

我是很爱你们的 ok!

hahaha I forgot what happened but Crystal was laughing so hard she went out of the frame haha

birthday gift that the girls and I bought myself this year hehe

Love my new necklace!

HAHA huishi's face at bottom right
depicts her real self pretty much, with that judgemental look hahahaha

6th consecutive year celebrating my birthday with these girls and I'm sure there will be countless years ahead. Mushy mushy stuff we all know in our heart haha but thank you girls for always being there for me, listening to my rants, giving me advices, giving me the confidence boost when I need one and for being my bffs. Yi dian xiao emotional but what will I do without you girls, ai ni men, x. wo men yao yi qi xin fu ok.......... 

ok ok don't be so drama already HAHA. this is not some channel 8 9pm show, moving on moving on.

Was studying at home one night when the sweetest gu gus called me and came over to pass me my present!

hehehe, my family's the best, x.

I better end off this post here before I become more emotional for no reason HAHA.

Thank you everyone who put in effort for my birthday, be it presents, celebrations and well wishes! I really do appreciate it a lot!
Birthdays are the best because I always feel especially loved and blessed and this year is no exception. 
A happy 20 y/o girl ending this post & signing off now hehe.

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