Wednesday 9 September 2015

I'm 20!

Hi guys! How's your week going? I hope all is going well for you guys!

I'm finally in my big two - 20 years old! And quite frankly, nothing much had changed except I'm probably no longer a teenager (sobs). Well, let's see, I'm still pretty clumsy, bumping into everything and getting bruises without even remembering how I got them. Was telling bf how clumsy I was the other day and he was like "glad you know, I always have to pull you away from people" hahaha

I don't think that's really my fault please! It takes two hands to clap, two to tango and two to bump into each other, the other person bumping into me is pretty much a klutz too! hehe

And I think I haven't change much in terms of looks or at least that's what my friends have been telling me, that I look pretty much alike in Sec Sch / JC haha. Mentality and mindset wise, I guess I have definitely grow as a person over years so that's probably the most distinctive difference.

I kinda feel old and unaccomplished with nothing much under my name. But oh well, guess it takes time. Shall just be patient and focus on building my foundation for the future. 

These aside, has a few celebrations with my loved ones and what better way to note down these happenings down other than on my blog? Reading this blog entry when I'm 25 or 30 would be pretty interesting haha.

On my birthday eve, went to celebrate with JC girls after school! Dinner was at Marche.

must-order dish in Marche - Rosti!

Love the sauce by the side - it tasted like Apple puree. Love it!

& Pizza! Not that big a fan of pizzas actually, my max is usually 2 slices of pizza and that's that.

Went to Lady M for cake after that!

Victoria's Secret present from the girls
Thanks guys, x.

These girls are so cute hahaha 
When I reached Somerset to meet them, Cintia haven't reach and I was on the phone with Kai Wen. Told her I wanted to go VS to go get something first since Cintia haven't reach cos I wanted to get a gift for my colleague there. Thought it was a bit peculiar she told me not to go and go and find her instead.

After dinner, I told them I wanted to go VS and they asked me why I needed to go that.

Finally understood why they didn't quite want to let me go to VS when I saw the present haha.
They thought I wanted to go VS to get something for myself. These girls hahaha

Thank you girls for not forgetting my birthday and celebrating it with me :)
Had a great laugh over our inside jokes and catching up, x.

And on my birthday itself, went for high tea with mummy and Jenny yi yi!

Made a reservation at Arteasiq @ Mandarin Gallery.
I love the tea choices there! So unique and nice.

Anything tea is love, hehe.

The ambience is quite nice & comfy there too!

My Earl Grey Lavender and er I forgot what was the other tea Jenny Yi Yi ordered haha
Another thing to add to my "nothing has changed now that I'm 20" list - still pretty forgetful 

Tab's on me for high tea because 20 years ago, mummy Teo suffered tremendous pain to bring me into the world haha. And I wasn't the easiest baby to take care of. I was pretty heavy with a big head and all hahaha

birthday gift from mama 
been wanting a new wallet for quite some time!

Oolong tea with lychee tea gelato! Interesting right their tea choices

Ordered the high tea which came with two tea choices.

Thought the pastries were a tad sweet.

Went to take queue number for dinner at Hai Di Lao and went to shop a little afterwards!

birthday OOTD 

Dad, sis and Marcus joined us for dinner at Hai Di Lao later on.
We took a queue number for HDL at around 5.30-ish and waited about 3 hours before we got a table.

My second time at HDL and I thought it was quite good! It's by far one of my fav places for steamboat because (1) The food is good (2) The service is superb. But admittedly, the waiting time is really too long. Would have frequent there more often if not for the waiting time.

Would suggest getting the queue number earlier in the afternoon and do your shopping while waiting!

There's actually free food and manicure while waiting. Mum got us queue number for manicure as well but er, haha, it was not our turn yet even after we finish our meal so we didn't had the chance.

The service there is really good! They constantly serve you hot towels, offer to peel the shells of seafood before helping you to put / throw (I don't know what's the right word lol) into the hotpot etc. And the waitress / waiter in charge of my table both time were all so friendly & nice!

And because parents bought me a slice of cake and kept in their fridge. They very kindly cut us a fruit platter with fruit carvings and brought it out together with the cake.

I was shocked when I saw the fruit platter. The kind staff even offered to serve me longevity noodles which we kindly rejected as we were all quite full.

Horrible photo but great dinner heh

came home to this when I opened my Macbook to use it.
thanks sissy heh.

Thankful for my loved ones indeed. Couldn't quite ask for more with them heh :) 20 and unaccomplished, but at least I have assets like my loved ones, not so unaccomplished after all I guess. 

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