Monday 2 November 2015

Dinner date

Hey guys! I haven't been updating this space of mine consistently recently because boy am I busy.

Hahaha okay maybe not THAT busy but yup, I guess I've been caught up with sch & work. Basically this is how my schedule looks like:

Monday - Full day of lectures
Tuesday - Either PAL session / Revise
Wednesday - Lecture
Thursday - Full day of lectures
Friday - Work
Saturday - Work
Sunday - Spend time with family / bf / attempt to do hw / revise

And pretty much whenever I have free time, I just yearn for some alone time lazing and catching up on running man / tv series. Alone time is something that's necessary for me to keep myself sane after heading out for so many days..

So yup, not that I'm complaining about this schedule or anything because it's my own choice and I'm sure many more people out there are busier than me for sure. But you know, I'm just trying my best to stay afloat and I guess this is why I don't blog as often anymore.

But anyway, amidst our schedule, bf and I made time and went on a dinner date last Tuesday after being deprived of a proper date after what seems like donkey years honestly.

Met him in the morning and headed to his house to chill.

And guess who made me brunch? hehe talking about gender reversal. But yup our relationship is pretty much reversed sometimes hehe he's the one usually making me food and I'm the one getting him soft toys. HAHA. but hey, who cares, its the 21st century yo

Lazed around a little, prepared and headed down to our dinner place! Dinner was at La Brasserie located at Fullerton Bay Hotel. Since it was restaurant week, we enjoyed our 3 course dinner at $55++/pax! Sorry if you are looking for reviews on their food because in all honesty, I'm really bad at reviewing dishes. To me, my standard comment is always "not bad lor" HAHA. So... wrong blog if you are looking for professional reviews hehe.

Feel free to check out their dinner menu for restaurant week here. There were two choices for each course so we ordered one of each to share and try!

Appetiser - Salmon Scallop Carpaccio

Appetiser - Mushroom Cappuccino Soup

Main Course - Filet De Bar

Main Course - Beef Ribs a la Provencal

Dessert - Caramel Crispy Chocolate Cake

Complimentary desserts from the restaurant

Dinner was really great! Great food + great ambience + great service + great companion.
How lucky I am!

Thank you for the dinner sweetheart!

After which, we took a stroll along towards esplanade.
Singapore skyline is pretty awesome I would say.

And headed to a bar nearby for some drinks.

Ordered some shots and bf's dry whisky.

hehe pardon my unsightly hang nail but look at the colours!
Was supposed to be some scary halloween shots I think but thought these were more towards pretty than scary hehe

any time spent with you is good time spent, x.

And while walking to the mrt station, there were some art pieces at the link way so we took some pictures there!

OOTN with TCL romper and wedges + C&K bag from my bffs.

Don't let the photos fool you, my bf is much more of vain pot than I am, requesting that I take photos of him with the art showcases. The number of photos I take is probably only 20% of his. 
but it's k he makes a pretty good model so I say, go on.


Thank you for the wonderful date night together. 
I'm glad we are making time out for each other even though we might be busy with our individual commitments lately.

And since it has already struck past 12am, happy 7 months together babe, x.
It has been one hell of a journey with you and we have grown to being so accustomed to being in each other's life, growing closer and stronger. Here's to many more months and dates with you, wed faster come because I'm missing you already.

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