Thursday 26 November 2015

Marcus's 23rd Birthday

Hey there!

I know I haven't been updating this space since..... a few weeks back. But yes as an attempt to update my blog, I shall blog about Marcus's birthday celebration hehe (even though I should be doing some stats tutorial but I need a break from studying ): )

It's our first year celebrating each other's birthday and you know honestly, I'm that kind of person who wants everything to be perfect and I really wanted to give him a perfect celebration for his first birthday celebration with me. I started planning it probably a month plus prior to his birthday, thinking of where to go, what to get etc. And man, I learnt that planning someone's birthday is really such a chore HAHA. (on a side note, kudos to my mum for always planning our birthday for us every year hehehe, it's really not easy) But you know the chore is definitely worth it when you see your loved ones happy. If they are happy, so am I. And it's not so much of a chore la I was kidding about it haha it's just... a tad difficult and stressing.

Okay back to my point, so yup, lets continue with his birthday.

Cabbed over with his bros to surprise him at 12am. This boy was already fast asleep at 12am?! Like who sleeps so early on their birthday eve?! HAHAHA. ok sorry I have a pig as a bf, so I guess that's why. So yup, he was asleep when I called him at 12am and told him to come down la hahaha. And he was just expecting me so I guess he came down looking tired and half naked HAHA.

Sang him a birthday song when he opened the door and I guessed he was really surprised. Yay to not having failed surprises haha it's so hard to keep surprises la.

Birthday boy with his customised Arsenal cupcakes that I got from Naomi Kitchen!

Here's us and also his bros in the mirror reflection haha

and a picture of the boys


don't know where I'm staring at lol

I wish to have more muscles, be more buff, more fit, grow harder abs......

and here's how his cupcakes look like

Watching the birthday video compilation I made
Got some of his friends to send me their birthday wishes and of cos my own birthday wish for him & compiled it heh

Fooled around and chatted and went back home.

On the next day or rather on the same day after a few hours of sleep (aye you all know what I mean right, like on the day of his birthday lol), I was supposed to wake up early to meet him for a day planned of activities. And yes I have a confession to make here which he probably hates me for it. 

The thing is I overslept. I swear I don't even know how and why I accidentally snoozed / off my alarm clock and I woke up at the time I'm supposed to meet him ): Felt super guilty la and I literally jumped out of bed, like kenna electric shocked like that when I saw the time when I woke up.

I'm sorry babe hehe I really didn't meant to. 
It has been so long since I accidentally off the alarm clock?! And it just have to happen on his birthday. Man I must be really tired to spoil my supposed to be perfect birthday celebration ):

But anyway, there's always perfections in imperfections right hehehehehehe.
Ok excuses but sigh, WHY. WHY DID I OVERSLEPT.

Moving on.

I rushed and prepared as soon as I could and met him. The plan for the day was to go to Sentosa since he wanted to go there for quite some time. Immediately pass him his birthday present when I saw him to seek for forgiveness hahahaha. 
But sigh someone up to date still holds a grudge that I was late, hor? Hor baby?

Had toss and turn before heading to the beach!

my silly bf doing his thing

fine specimen of eye candy spotted on the beach

Lazed around in the beach for a few hours. 
Irritating boy keep mind f-ing me that there's jellyfish in the sea which made me super paranoid to be inside the sea water. Hello, 23 y/o already can be nicer to me? 
Hahaha bet you will come up with a rebuttal now that you are helping me, and not being mean. Helping me to conquer my fear and all huh, ok la partly right, but please stop mind f-ing me ):

LOL I sound damn loser-ish now wtf.

Anyway it was really nice being at the beach (except for the extra freckles on my face cos never put enough sunblock dang it ugh). Love how calming the sea always make me feel and it was really nice, just chilling and playing around.

After that, washed up and went to his place to dress up before we transformed to become glamorous for his birthday dinner date.

Made a reservation at NOX Dine In The Dark for his birthday.

In all honesty, I was kinda nervous about dining there even though it was one of the places I suggested because I read about how it's gonna be total darkness. And I guess the thought of not being able to see my surrounding and not knowing what to expect just kinda make me nervous.

But it was really uncalled for because it turned out really well and I'm glad he enjoyed the dinner (which is most important) too.

I think he looks really cute here heh. As his gf, I may or may not be slightly biased though.

Taken when we were at the first level of the restaurant, enjoying our pre drinks and waiting for the briefing & to be brought up for dinner.

I got to tell you guys this.... The bartender... fuyoh HAHA it's gonna be embarrassing if he ever sees this but I highly doubt it so I'm just gonna say this. Guys..... he's so cute!! And he's so good with the drinks haha. In my opinion, he really added a mysterious and upmarket vibe to the restaurant with his good looks and smirking (in a good way) face. Don't worry, my bf won't kill me for this, he agreed the bartender is cute too haha.

My moscato and bf's cocktail (hehe I forgot what he ordered but it was really good and well mixed according to him)

It's so unfair how he have such a small face.
this is unfair and so is life sigh

So gf be like "eh walao why my face so big, unfair, you take the photo"

so yay now I can have a smaller face too

HAHAHA ok I'm totally spoiling the atmosphere of these nice photos


and they served us some appetiser before bringing us up to the dining area.

I thought it was a really unique and intimate experience. Intimate because I thought it was nice how the server (who are visually handicapped) communicated with us by calling each other by names and how he also shared with us a glimpse of his personal life as well.

And he was really friendly throughout, checking up on us constantly.

It was truly a unique experience because, I mean, how often can you tell someone you ate in complete darkness? It was really pitch dark, I put my hands in front of my eyes and I couldn't see anything.

Also, it was interesting learning to eat in the dark, relying more on our sense of touch, feeling where our cutleries are etc.

I had fun over dinner with Marcus, having stupid conversations like "eh are your eyes opened or closed ah?" and our server overheard and was like "does it make a difference whether your eyes are open or close?" HAHA, I totally laughed out loud at the moment with his response and felt embarrassed at the same time with our stupid questions.

The food was well, I would say interesting?! As you guys know, I'm really bad with giving comments about food so, count me out on that hahaha.

But I would tell you all this much.. It was a three course dinner with 4 dishes each for of course appetiser, mains and desserts so I got to taste quite a fair bit of food. 
And well, let's just say I have a better sense of taste, identifying more food than the boy hahaha. Don't wanna be a spoiler for what to expect for the dinner but just to let you guys know, I ate ox tongue oh god. It's definitely something I would NEVER put into my mouth if I have prior knowledge that I will be eating it... Nvm everything counts for an experience. Good job Crystal, ox tongue strike off your list now lol.

Went for some drinks at a bar near dhoby after that and headed home thereafter!

We were so tired after the long day but personally, I thought it was really a great day spent, I don't know for him but it better be or else, excuse me, next time you ownself go coffee shop celebrate yourself. HAHA kidding. It was nice spending time together, having a nice date like this apart from studying & working. It was also a day which burned a big hole in my pocket so I'm currently eating grass for the whole of Nov. HAHA kidding I'm not & it was a hole worth it. :)

To the birthday boy (although this is pretty belated from your birthday already) - I hope you enjoyed everything that I have done for you and like it as much as I like the birthday celebration you had for me. I'm sorry I overslept for your birthday , you need to erase that from your memory please. Hehehehe. It's our first year celebrating each other's birthday and like what I said, here's to more, x. Never lose the child and playfulness in you (even though you can keep it a notch down sometimes hahaha kidding) because that's what make you, you. It's refreshing to view the world in a child like manner once in awhile in light of all the stress. :) And the rest of the wishes I have already mentioned in the video so I'm just gonna end it here with,

 Te amo darling // x.

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