Sunday 3 January 2016

To new beginnings

HAPPY 2016!

Wishing everyone a great year ahead, x.

I haven't yet set any substantial new year resolutions because I believe goals and resolutions can be set at anytime of the year as long as you put your heart into it, not necessarily new year. So I haven't yet put much thought in it but perhaps I shall soon so that I have something to work towards to.

Anyway, throwback to new year countdown with this cheeky one.

Basically how our r/s is like.
 Half of the time sane, half of the time insane (him being insane) with him annoying me. To sum up this week - The last day of 2015 was spent with him at town shopping and enjoying good food. Then, joined countdown with my family together. And on the first day of 2016, we basically lazed around and later went for my first clubbing experience at with him and his friends!

2015 in a glance was pretty different - getting into a committed relationship, starting university and also having opportunities to explore many different aspects at work. The only constant of course was my close friends and family who I can't be more grateful for for standing by me all these while.

2016 in foresight, I guess, will mainly revolve around trying to get by my first year in university with prelims and finals coming up. And of course working as usual in aim to gain more experience and also to clear off my college fees. I will also be moving house and I'm kind of excited for a new environment. Of course, I can't wait to create more beautiful memories with my loved ones.

Here's to a great year ahead for all of us!
 Good luck and push on in whatever you are pursuing. And always believe in yourself, which I have to learn quite a bit from now on.

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