Sunday 24 January 2016

I'm feeling so vexed right now I'm barely thinking straight. The things that I have to revise and study are piling up, personal problems are always nagging at me from the back of my mind, worries and concerns for my health are something I just can't turn a blind eye from anymore etc etc. I really need a breather so badly at this very moment. I just feel so overwhelmed with everything, questioning the need for all these torments as a mere 20 years old. There's so many things on my plate and sometimes, I just feel so helpless at the list of problems to be solved, yet, there's nothing I can do within my capacity. The fact that I yearn to have perfection doesn't help much with all the flaws and crevices in my life. Someone help me before I lose myself within. Perhaps I'm thinking too much again, way overthinking as usual like how I'm so accustomed to. But, I just.. don't know how not to. I can't manage sitting around acting like everything is fine any second longer. I know I ought to count my blessings because there are so many people who might have it worse than me out there, but sometimes, y'know, it's really easier than said. I know I'm rambling but I just really need to let this out of my chest in a way or other. Didn't want to burden my loved ones with anymore of my baggages anymore too.

Heads up, you, you are way better than these. You will get through these, somehow.

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