Sunday 30 September 2012


Maths paper tmr! Hopefully I can at least get an E! Please give me a E ok. I'm not too greedy!! Hehe.

So I didn't manage to play any lanterns or candles this year ); what is this!! But I did ate mooncake and pomelo though . In fact I ate so much pomelo I had the runs ...............

Moral of the story : 不要太贪吃 . Got to switch my glutton mode off and start running soon man. Dont know how many kg I gained since I entered JC lo! It's like everyday I come school to look forward to breaks and lunch. So yes.... Can you imagine what happens when its break time? Of course I'm like "faster faster ! Anyone want buy food also? " and when no one wants to eat , leaving this glutton alone , I'm like "buy la buy la! Next break very long later y'know" . Until no one is convinced to buy food, I buy alone and eat like a fatso while they diet.......... haha. Look forward to break so long Liao, break time of cos must eat la. No? Not mentioning I buy food when I'm tired and bored also..

So faster faster . Someone needs to save me out of this sea of sinful pleasures and temptations . ahhh chocolates , fruit tarts, brownie, waffle, ice cream , sweets , curry puff , sweet drinks ahhhh!! Why do such nice food exists ?!?!? Sometimes I just feel like buying the whole grocery shop down and enjoy the food myself. What happened to you Crystal!! Maintain maintain. Hopefully the upcoming Nike werun 10km does some weight loss wonder for me... I need my 42kg back. desperately. I wonder why some people who eats so much more than me doesn't get fat? Y SO UNFAIR! You high metabolism people!

Ok enough of rants. Fat girl is fat, I need to save myself out of this.

Again it's time for my 30 posts letter challenge! Today it's for the parents!

Hi mama and papa. It has been a great 17 years with you guys. Thanks for raising me up to your best ability. Thanks for enduring my nonsense. Thanks for enduring my disappointments . Thanks for bringing me overseas every year without fail. Thanks for giving me a comfortable shelter to live in. Thanks for always believing in me . Thanks for sacrificing for me. Thanks for buying me nice clothes. Thanks for working hard to being food on the table. Thanks for sending me to tuitions and providing me with good education. Thanks for giving me advice when I'm in doubt . Thanks for wanting the best for me. Thanks for never forgetting my birthday every year. Thanks for walking me down the right track . Thanks for. EVERYTHING . I love you guys and I'll always do. It wasnt a picture perfect 17 years but at least , it was a family always there behind my back and im glad for that.

That beautiful innocence .

Cutie pie is cute! Friday over at grandma's house. This cute girl started taking photos of herself using my phone and mama phone.

 Sometimes I wonder if kids are happier or adults are happier ..

Hi baby

Hey! I'm back at this unearthly hour again. hahaha. today was a lazy and sleepy day , napped quite a bit, that's why I'm still awake hehe. didn't really study although I should be doing this....
Yes maths. Maths paper's on monday . sighpie.

after attempting few questions, went for dinner near house! thai food though it seems to be like normal tzechar . The only thailand food was probably the pineapple rice!


after dinner, on the way back, saw the pretty full moon! snapped quite a few pictures but all super lousy quality, maybe iPhone's night quality not that good! But it still looks pretty in the photos. Do you see chang-er?

and we bought some pomelos too! I love pomelos so much. nom nom nom yum yum yum. & guess what, its only 3 for $2! of cos must buy!

It's mid autumn festival with the pretty full moon and sweet pomelo, not forgetting the main cast...... MOONCAKES!
Mango and soursop snow-skin mooncake! Love it hehe.
And phew, finally one week of trying to look for a scissors at home to cut my super annoying fringe , I finally found it haha . This should be my most accomplished achievement the whole day.
Still a bit long but so much better now hehe. like professional cut one yo mei yo hehe

&&& so that pretty much concludes my day. Its time for......................... 


haha . actually I dont have any crush now eh. I'm single and free~ *inserts music of sexy and free*. But, I guess I can change this to a letter to my future husband! haha sounds crazy enough to be thinking about marriage and hubby alr but isn't that every teenage girl's dream? to be one of those happy ending stories with their prince charming who kissed them awake and live happily ever after?? 

so... Hi my future husband! haha what are you doing now? How old are you? How tall are you? Where are you studying at? hahaha. I hope you are eating well and growing well as a teen (provided my hubby isnt some uncle that's 30 years old older than me :/ . I honestly wouldn't want that). Are you dating some other girl now? If that girl is hurting you and causing you heartbreaks now, just ignore her ok. Because you are gonna marry someone so much better 10 years from now on. haha. Please take good care of yourself now. I'll see you soon in a few more years and hopefully live our live happily ever after . :)

hahaha people don't judge me k. hahaha. good night! hopefully I can get my lazy bum out of house when I wake up and get to the library to do some quality revision for maths.... see ya, HAPPY MID AUTUMN FESTIVAL! hope you will have a great day playing with lanterns and candles,seeping tea and eating mooncake, looking at the moon and enjoying :). xx. 

P.S future hubby , have a great mid autumn festival too. (HAHAHAHA, fa hua ci muchie.)

Saturday 29 September 2012


The 30 day letter challenge!! That's what I wanted to try! I remember seeing this thing going around like 3 years ago and happen to see it on my friend's blog again!! I'm pretty excited in trying this, its like trying to know myself better also cos I've never tried thinking about all these below! and it will probably be more interesting than posting about my boring life like what my old blog does. hahaha seriously, am i crazy last time to blog about where I eat and where I went and nothing else much more?? gosh im so boring . haha anw im gonna change it to 30 posts challenge though cos I cant promise I will blog everyday. Yes yes , I know whoever reading this is giving me that eyebrows up like "eh this blogger passion siao one I thought, sure will dont post everyday or not??" haha. But, eh.I'm not that self-obsessed in talking to myself everyday ok. haha! so yup , every time I post from now on will be attached with one letter to the targets below!! ^^ 

Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative) 
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet 
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most 
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life 
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror 

So yup, first letter - my best friend.


Let me think....... My best friend.. hahaha I actually dont have a best friend per-say but I have 3 friends that are of best friend quality. HMM. should i post to them in anoymous?? hahaha nah I'm too proud of having friends like this :) .

1st best friend  -  Justin.

Hi Justin, I guess you will definitely read this haha. I just want to thank you for everything that you have done for me since sec 3. For me, knowing you and being your sis is a great gift and blessing for me. So far, you're the nicest guy I've ever met, always being there for me no matter what. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for always having the faith in me and always making me feel good about myself. I rmb the first time we ever talked was probably in facebook when you wished me happy birthday. From then on, our relationship blossomed as we learn through the parts and parcels of our teenage life. We've both grown to becoming greater persons from our childish squirrels 3 years back. I'm really glad this relationship of ours can maintained even after graduations. It seems as if no matter what new friends or experiences we have on our own outside, we will never ever drift too far off and forget each other. These 3 years, thanks for enduring my childishness, moodswings, boliao-ness and whatever nonsense I have. I will try to keep this letter short because I'm sure we both know how much we stand to each other. hee. Thanks again and I hope our friendship grows forever. xx.

2nd best friend- Crystal Tan

To my Crystal, I've known you since p4! gosh how time flies, can you imagine it has already been 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 years long?? my my! These 8 years, I bet you've seen the childiest , most nonsense, bitchiest, fked up and ugly side of me haha. Im so so so so glad we grew together and you never once forsake me. In fact, Im so apologetic about how childish and bad a friend I was to you with my much more childish mindset last time esp lower sec. haha. growing up and being through so much definitely brought our friendship up to a higher level! haha. Thanks for being by my side as always, encouraging me and making sure I dont get bullied by others by standing up for me & cursing them hahaha! Likewise, Im sure you know how much you mean to me. I love you and I hope we will grow old together, going through our tertiary life togther, attending uni, going through love , first jobs, marriage and see our kids be friends! Rmb our high tea dates when we start working ok! wo ai ni, thanks for accepting me as who I am. xx.

3rd best friend - Huishi

Hey babe. haha looking back at our friendship, there's only one word to describe - epic. haha. I really see you super bu shuang during lower sec la, like totally. When i know I'm going into the same class as you during sec 3, I totally went 'WTF" hahaha!! this is just how amazing fate is, from seeing each other not happy to getting close and being such close friends  today. "Never judge a book by its cover" , yup , totally! ahaha. You know you really taught me a lot eg. what true friends ought to do, what sincerity is and what feelings are. Most importantly, you taught me 'friendship'....... I really thank you for being there for me, being that source of laughters and emotion roller coasters (y'know you can get really emotional right) haha. Although we are not meeting up as much and talking as much as last time, just rmb, you will always be someone I value in my heart. Thanks for loving me for who I am , standing up for me and literally scolding whoever scolds me and lavishing them( with your vulgarities) haha! I love you and rmb , I;m just one phone call, just one sms away. xx.

im good, buhbye! :) 


Gosh , why are first posts always so awkward? haha. So... after 3 years from a pause from my last blog (which was super childish and immatured I nearly dug a hole and bury myself in) , I've decided to create a little space for myself to share the little things in life. I always like reading other's blogs, I bet with this little space, I will have fun reading my own thoughts also. hahaha. & Yes I know I sound self obsessed hehe.

& Next , so.. Why such a long break from blogging? Well.....

1. I just suddenly have the mood to after reading my friends' blogs
2. I'm scared of blogging actually. haha. it's no good scolding people on your blog when you are at the heat of moment to find out they actually reads your blog. Trust me, you will feel one hell of a guilty. haha
3. Because .. ok can't think of anymore legit reasons for this.

But since now that I actually feel the mood to blog, I hope I wont turn this little space into a boring place. I think won't la, I'm not too boring a person to start with !! haha at least I dont think I am. hee.

Life for me recently,ok let's widen it up to this year.. Life has been pretty screwed, particularly in the aspects of studies. I've been admitted into a junior college and life's like a bullet train. Its so fast, so blurred I didnt really I was slowly screwing my one year there until exams. To think that I was so confident of coping well before I got into JC. hah, loser's on me. I just have low perseverance uh. I'm in the midst of my promos and I think I might just jolly well retain. well.. who can I blame other than my own low self-determination and discipline? In fact, I dont mind staying back one year just to build up my foundation for A's. I mean, I'll get there eventually though I'm starting off slow! My feeling right now feels like me drawing a piece of drawing. I want it picture perfect, but through the process of drawing, I drop inks on it and I drew it really ugly. So, with that ugly drawing, I just want to re-draw it again and make sure I do it nicely. Or else, I'll feel pekcek and annoyed and hating my own life.

Yes yes , enough of negative vibes. Aside from all, I have my amazing friends and  family all by my side.When everything fails, I know I wont fall too hard, cos I've got them.  I really really really feel blessed and appreciative of them all. Say my family, they have been contributing little sacrifices just for me to have the best conducive environment to study in. Although I dont thank them often, but you bet my heart felt it all. Cheesy much but HI FAMILY - HI FATHER AND MOTHER I LOVE YOU. hee. &&& omg my friends, they never ever fail to give me the faith I need, believing that I can do it and standing by me as always. awwww thanks god for all these gifts!!
dearest brother

darlings that grew up with me



there's a lot more people who helped me, taught me, cared for me and just be nice to me this year. if one day I decided to publicize this blog and if one of you are not included up there, you know I'm thankful for your presence if you had been a friend to me or something uh. Thanks in advance hehe. ok. WEE. thats all for my first post! another post probably in 30 min hahahaha. bobian la, got mood leh and I really wanted to try something on this blog. till 30 minutes later, see you. xx