Saturday 29 September 2012


Gosh , why are first posts always so awkward? haha. So... after 3 years from a pause from my last blog (which was super childish and immatured I nearly dug a hole and bury myself in) , I've decided to create a little space for myself to share the little things in life. I always like reading other's blogs, I bet with this little space, I will have fun reading my own thoughts also. hahaha. & Yes I know I sound self obsessed hehe.

& Next , so.. Why such a long break from blogging? Well.....

1. I just suddenly have the mood to after reading my friends' blogs
2. I'm scared of blogging actually. haha. it's no good scolding people on your blog when you are at the heat of moment to find out they actually reads your blog. Trust me, you will feel one hell of a guilty. haha
3. Because .. ok can't think of anymore legit reasons for this.

But since now that I actually feel the mood to blog, I hope I wont turn this little space into a boring place. I think won't la, I'm not too boring a person to start with !! haha at least I dont think I am. hee.

Life for me recently,ok let's widen it up to this year.. Life has been pretty screwed, particularly in the aspects of studies. I've been admitted into a junior college and life's like a bullet train. Its so fast, so blurred I didnt really I was slowly screwing my one year there until exams. To think that I was so confident of coping well before I got into JC. hah, loser's on me. I just have low perseverance uh. I'm in the midst of my promos and I think I might just jolly well retain. well.. who can I blame other than my own low self-determination and discipline? In fact, I dont mind staying back one year just to build up my foundation for A's. I mean, I'll get there eventually though I'm starting off slow! My feeling right now feels like me drawing a piece of drawing. I want it picture perfect, but through the process of drawing, I drop inks on it and I drew it really ugly. So, with that ugly drawing, I just want to re-draw it again and make sure I do it nicely. Or else, I'll feel pekcek and annoyed and hating my own life.

Yes yes , enough of negative vibes. Aside from all, I have my amazing friends and  family all by my side.When everything fails, I know I wont fall too hard, cos I've got them.  I really really really feel blessed and appreciative of them all. Say my family, they have been contributing little sacrifices just for me to have the best conducive environment to study in. Although I dont thank them often, but you bet my heart felt it all. Cheesy much but HI FAMILY - HI FATHER AND MOTHER I LOVE YOU. hee. &&& omg my friends, they never ever fail to give me the faith I need, believing that I can do it and standing by me as always. awwww thanks god for all these gifts!!
dearest brother

darlings that grew up with me



there's a lot more people who helped me, taught me, cared for me and just be nice to me this year. if one day I decided to publicize this blog and if one of you are not included up there, you know I'm thankful for your presence if you had been a friend to me or something uh. Thanks in advance hehe. ok. WEE. thats all for my first post! another post probably in 30 min hahahaha. bobian la, got mood leh and I really wanted to try something on this blog. till 30 minutes later, see you. xx

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