Sunday 30 September 2012


Maths paper tmr! Hopefully I can at least get an E! Please give me a E ok. I'm not too greedy!! Hehe.

So I didn't manage to play any lanterns or candles this year ); what is this!! But I did ate mooncake and pomelo though . In fact I ate so much pomelo I had the runs ...............

Moral of the story : 不要太贪吃 . Got to switch my glutton mode off and start running soon man. Dont know how many kg I gained since I entered JC lo! It's like everyday I come school to look forward to breaks and lunch. So yes.... Can you imagine what happens when its break time? Of course I'm like "faster faster ! Anyone want buy food also? " and when no one wants to eat , leaving this glutton alone , I'm like "buy la buy la! Next break very long later y'know" . Until no one is convinced to buy food, I buy alone and eat like a fatso while they diet.......... haha. Look forward to break so long Liao, break time of cos must eat la. No? Not mentioning I buy food when I'm tired and bored also..

So faster faster . Someone needs to save me out of this sea of sinful pleasures and temptations . ahhh chocolates , fruit tarts, brownie, waffle, ice cream , sweets , curry puff , sweet drinks ahhhh!! Why do such nice food exists ?!?!? Sometimes I just feel like buying the whole grocery shop down and enjoy the food myself. What happened to you Crystal!! Maintain maintain. Hopefully the upcoming Nike werun 10km does some weight loss wonder for me... I need my 42kg back. desperately. I wonder why some people who eats so much more than me doesn't get fat? Y SO UNFAIR! You high metabolism people!

Ok enough of rants. Fat girl is fat, I need to save myself out of this.

Again it's time for my 30 posts letter challenge! Today it's for the parents!

Hi mama and papa. It has been a great 17 years with you guys. Thanks for raising me up to your best ability. Thanks for enduring my nonsense. Thanks for enduring my disappointments . Thanks for bringing me overseas every year without fail. Thanks for giving me a comfortable shelter to live in. Thanks for always believing in me . Thanks for sacrificing for me. Thanks for buying me nice clothes. Thanks for working hard to being food on the table. Thanks for sending me to tuitions and providing me with good education. Thanks for giving me advice when I'm in doubt . Thanks for wanting the best for me. Thanks for never forgetting my birthday every year. Thanks for walking me down the right track . Thanks for. EVERYTHING . I love you guys and I'll always do. It wasnt a picture perfect 17 years but at least , it was a family always there behind my back and im glad for that.

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