Thursday 5 September 2013

Hopeless Romantic

I don't know if you guys would have the perception of me as someone who believes that my Prince Charming is gonna come and sweep me off my feets...... But I have come to realise, like wow, I am sometimes a hopeless romantic in some ways.

Definitely due to too many romantic stories on wattpad. CONFIRM PLUS GUARANTEE CHOP. I mean I don't believe in true, true love persay. But I definitely appreciate romantic gestures a lot. E.G. I enjoy watching romantic shows and even stalking couples on Instagram (LOL SHIT THIS SOUNDS CREEPY) . Maybe I'm just too lonely and having too long a window period of not having a boyfriend HAHA. But I actually find myself imagining or planning possible things I could do with my future boyfriends e.g going on sweet dates or going overseas and stuff. WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME. 

Oh fuck I'm becoming such a pathetic lonely old woman that's gonna stroke my cat like those old movies. #foreveralone #nowait #IDONTWANTTO 

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