Friday 18 April 2014

Deep hatred

Hi guys, it's currently my second day in Taiwan and it has been good so far, will post the photos up when I'm back in SG. 

Right now, I'm just beyond pissed at 5.27am in my hotel bed. PISSED. 

All thanks to one idiot blood-sucking irritating insensitive childish pathetic asshole mosquito. Bite me non stop until I woke up. And guess what, I have freaking 4 bites on my face now. My FACE, goodness me! & A few on my body.

This is officially the start of a deep hatred. Damn irritating la! Now I have so many mosquito bites on my face and body. Ass.....................

And I can't get back to sleep now after 30 minutes all thanks to the mosquito. Damn paranoid right now. 

URGHHHHHH. Is this how you welcome visitors?!?!????!

On a side note ,sorry I had to post this, this is the only venue for me to rant about this now because it's so early and there's no one for me to complain to. Can't you wake me up later mosquito, why now at 5am! Attention seeking ass. 

On a side side note, the sun has already rise! And it's already bright outside. Interesting and cool sight!

Ok I shall try to go back to sleep. Mosquito, any more moves, that's it I tell you! 

Sunday 13 April 2014

Prive Cafe

Went to Prive awhile back with Crystal! It was pretty inaccessible ( located at Marina at keppel bay) so we cabbed there!

Had brunch - mine's Eggs Benedict. And Crystal's Big Breakfast. 

I would say it's pretty nice! Love the seasoning and all. But I don't know why I always get sick of Eggs Benedict after like one muffin. It's like quite ni one leh! Anyway, I'm no food critic. If you wanna know the critics , feel free to visit Crystal's blog here!

Ordered Rich chocolate cake too. Unfortunately it's too rich for our liking and the cake tasted "flour-ey" if you know what I mean! Like very dry, i.e its not moist enough.

As usual, great day out with Crystal! Living the tai tai life that day yo! People eating there were like business-looking people and there we are, 2 teenagers eating brunch on a Tuesday afternoon HAHAHA. Ok hashtag delusional tai tais.

A girl can dream, no? 

And needless to say, the view is beautiful! With all the yatch, instantly up the tai tai level of the photo yo! Ok enough with the tai tai before I get slapped by you guys. 

// X Great company.

Monday 7 April 2014

What's up off day

Hi guys! Been awhile since I blogged huh. I've been lazy and busy.


There was one blog post last year where I mentioned I wanna go solo travel & guess what! DREAM IS FULFILLED BAY-BEH!

Ok not really hahaha

 The situation is that I'm following my mum for her company trip and for the first few days she have meetings so I will be traveling alone in the city! So technically it's not a solo travel experience since I will still be flying and staying with my mum but I will be spending days traveling alone so my dream is......... 60% fulfilled! 

 It's at Taiwan so I'm really excited for some alone time and hopefully, I will learn more about myself during the trip too. 

I CAN'T WAIT! 8 more days woohoo! 

Anyway, it's my off day today! Went to settle some bills and then went to Estetica for full body massage with mummy. Studied a little, nihon mura for dinner and then went for yoga class! 

Quite a fulfilling and nice day I would say hehe

And now I'm just drinking my sorrows and pain away 

Just kidding I'm not but check out Erdinger's new drink (only 0.4% alcohol level) , it's an isotonic drink with folic acid and vitamin b12. Don't know what all these things means but it sure does sounds...... Nutritious and healthy? Here's an alternative for all you alcoholics!

Back to work tmr! Hopefully this week will be another great and fulfilling for me. Have a great week you guys!