Sunday 13 April 2014

Prive Cafe

Went to Prive awhile back with Crystal! It was pretty inaccessible ( located at Marina at keppel bay) so we cabbed there!

Had brunch - mine's Eggs Benedict. And Crystal's Big Breakfast. 

I would say it's pretty nice! Love the seasoning and all. But I don't know why I always get sick of Eggs Benedict after like one muffin. It's like quite ni one leh! Anyway, I'm no food critic. If you wanna know the critics , feel free to visit Crystal's blog here!

Ordered Rich chocolate cake too. Unfortunately it's too rich for our liking and the cake tasted "flour-ey" if you know what I mean! Like very dry, i.e its not moist enough.

As usual, great day out with Crystal! Living the tai tai life that day yo! People eating there were like business-looking people and there we are, 2 teenagers eating brunch on a Tuesday afternoon HAHAHA. Ok hashtag delusional tai tais.

A girl can dream, no? 

And needless to say, the view is beautiful! With all the yatch, instantly up the tai tai level of the photo yo! Ok enough with the tai tai before I get slapped by you guys. 

// X Great company.

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