Saturday 28 June 2014

To an apple



To my study buddy, to an apple, vainpot, powderful engrish speaking, caring, awesome , sincere friend - 生日快乐,congrats on being one year older and wiser (?!?!? Not too sure about that) 

Hope you will have a great day ahead celebrating your birthday. Best wishes to you, be it in your health, studies, school, relationships etc etc. May all your dreams come true for you on this special day! 

Thanks for being such an awesome friend since I was in Sec 3 (?) ! So glad we are still keeping in contact until now. Meeting you, regardless for catch up and dinner is always enjoyable since you are so fun to be around with. I love how you are always so genuinely nice and caring, and so funny to talk to. I also admire how you are always so ready and spontaneous in willing to help a friend in need.

And hey, look at the collage above! From the first time we took our first picture together, to the times when you probably have longer hair than me, to your current hair, to the times when we will study together etc etc etc, thanks for being such a great friend throughout all the changes. 

Let's meet up soon for our study session! And all the best for your upcoming common test next week too. Do well okay, you can do it! Believe in yourself apple.

Happy birthday once again and cheers to more years of friendship to come! Happy birthday! 

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