Thursday 19 June 2014

Updates & Whatnots

Hey there Internet people / non-existent readers.

If you are reading this, I'm impressed considering that I haven't update in ages and I expect little or no one to read this. So, here's some virtual brownies from me to you for reading this.

Thank you human!

As you can see, I haven't really post anything much for the longest time.

Well, and so as to explain the long hiatus........ You see....... I blame this on my lazy cells (which makes up 99.9% of my body).

But but but. The remaining 1% hardworking part of me have finally fight all odds to update now, hehe.

On a side note apart from discussing about the cells in my body, this blog / mini diary / logger is now so backtrack from my life... Let's see what major events in my (boring) life you have missed out.

1) I have already came back from my Taiwan trip in April where I accompanied my mum for her business trip. (Obviously, seeing that it is now June)

2) I have embarked on another trip to Taiwan with my family and have recently just came back.

And the rest of what comprise of my life these few months is pretty much just work, sleep, eat and random meet-up sessions.

I swear I have so many photos in both my phone and camera taken in mind to post it on either my blog or other social media sites but haven't gotten to doing so. I also actually have some unfinished drafts that I didn't get to posting it.

Damn you you 99.9% lazy cells.

Anyway, it's always up to this length of a post when I'm just like "What the hell are you rambling on Missy". Exact feelings right now too, considering I don't know what I'm going on and on about.

hmmmmmm. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmm.

So like how I'm always so good at giving abrupt cut-offs / good-byes, BYE HUMAN.

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