Thursday 28 August 2014

Crystal turns 19

So...... I'm 19 now! Hahaha one last year before my age starts with a "2" instead of  "1". I kind of feel old and more stressed now. The stress to actually complete and accomplish something before I get even older. Hahaha.

Anyway, I'm really just chilling and doing nothing much right now since I have some time to burn before I get ready for birthday dinner with the family. And you bet I don't want to touch my books just yet.... Maybe later at night I will. Shall blog a little and spam the overdue photos in my phone before I go get ready then!

Guess who's the first one to wish me "Happy birthday" ? HAHA.

er thanks for wishing me on 1st August? Hahahahaha

First mini celebration was on National day at aunt's house! August babies make some noise woooooooo. Happy birthday Singapore! 

Cheesy but thanks for providing me with the safe environment these 19 years, x.

Pretty cake pops and plates decked in Red and White

Also, happy birthday to my lovely gugu. Love you!

Thanks for the mini celebration and for the cake!


Also, met up with Gabriel recently to study! Went to "Gastronomia" for dinner after the study session. I was quite excited for dinner at Gastronomia cos my colleagues have such good praises for them. One of my colleague was telling me about how they had this $9.80 promotion where she ordered Smoked Salmon pizza and Lobster Bisque. And I was like "what?! so cheap! Must have!".

So we decided to visit the one at Marina Bay. Quite disappointed that the smoked salmon pizza was sold out ): But nonetheless, thank you Gab for the dinner treat, well wishes and for sending me home!


Had buffet lunch at Triple Three @ Mandarin Orchard with the company for Teacher's Day Lunch too! Lunch there was really good, I shall upload the photos some other day hehehe

August babies in the company


Also met up with the JC girls just this Tuesday. Suppose to meet them at NYDC at bugis but when I got there, they told me NYDC closed down hahaha. 

So we settled for Miam Miam instead!

Some French name I can't remember but its basically Squid Inked Rice with seafood and Omelette on top! Love it, super fragrant! No doubt going to order this if I ever visit Miam Miam again.

Miam Miam Spaghetti. I thought this spaghetti was pretty interesting...
And it tastes good too!

Something Something Something. HAHA.
Don't know what this is called and I don't really like it too.
Gets really sickening to eat after awhile, very ni!

The highlight of the restaurant.
Chocolate............. (brb let me just google it)
Ok, its called Valrhona Chocolate Soufflé ($13.80 for your reference).
Not bad not bad but also quite ni for us after awhile.

Thank you girls for making time out to celebrate with me and also for the gifts, x.
See you girls real soon!

Oh! Also went to watch "Lucy" with the girls. Eh, let's just say we have the same reaction after the movie haha. The reaction is "Whauut?" Hahaha, pretty bloody some part and quite a lot of like Nat-Geo-Similar-Scene? Haha okay I don't know what else to say about it. The trailer is a little deceiving though, expected more from it haha


Moving on, met Justin yesterday night! The sweet guy made a reservation which I later found out was at Beer Market. Pretty cool place with the "stock market" of beer prices and all. 

Chicken Rice Pizza.
Was quite skeptical about this interesting topping but it turned out to be pretty good!

Seafood something something.
Pretty sure now everybody knows I'm bad at remembering names?

Ignore my unsightly double chin, baby fats la okay. (I think?)
Thank you for the dinner once again. Thanks for the great night out just catching up and chilling. I enjoyed myself! Hope to see you real soon. Thanks, x.


And now on my actual birthday, I actually really haven't done much like what I mentioned hahahaha. Yesterday midnight my aunts were like "are you partying right now?" and I was just like "nope, I'm sitting on the sofa" HAHA. yup, very interesting start to my birthday spent lazing on my sofa.

What I woke up to today

Love from one of the greatest woman I love in this world.
Thank you, ah ma. Was really touched even though it was a simple gift. I guess its because I feel that her well wishes are really sincere and heartfelt. Ah ma no facebook but remember my birthday ok! Called her and thank her and I just started tearing for some unknown reasons. Love her so so so so so so so so so much. On a side note, I suddenly remember there was this one time in Primary school when we have to do some mini "show and tell" in front of the class. My title that day was "my favorite person" and I proceeded on talking about my granny. hehe

Oh and Google wished me too. How sweet HAHA.

And yup, so far since I'm awake, I have been just watching some online videos and catching up on Social Media sites.

And yup yup, I'm probably going to eat the red eggs and then continue lazing around for awhile before I go get ready for dinner.

And yup yup yup, birthday so far has been going well. Thankful for the wishes received.

And yup yup yup yup, bye!

And yup yup yup yup yup, see you guys soon! *wide smile*

Oh wait, and yup yup yup yup yup yup, I apologize for the awkward transition from one day to another hahaha. Sorry!


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