Saturday 1 August 2015

Hi August

Hi guys!

It's August 1st as I'm typing this.

Have always preferred / liked August a little bit more than any other months because of a biased reason. The biased reason being August is my birthday month! Kind of excited for August with a string of activities lined up!

Was writing on my planner & calendar the other day and was so excited to fill them up with all my activities. Hahaha I probably get excited at the weirdest thing like filling up my planner but as a typical Virgo, I like to be organised and have a rough guideline of what to expect and what's to come ahead, hence.

Also, school is starting for me officially in mid-August. It has been quite some time since I studied and school is making me really nervous and apprehensive of what's to come. I don't want to make the same stupid mistakes like what I did in JC and only regret thereafter so I really have to try to stay on track and plan ahead.

The bright side of school is that I'm taking up a business degree course and it's modules that I like so it should be better. Even though school isn't entirely exciting for me to look forward to, I had fun buying stationery the other day in preparation for school. Guess buying stationery 3 weeks in advance of school is probably too early but the thought of going stationery-shopping got me really excited and I couldn't wait any further.

Maybe I'm just weird but does anyone else feels happy and excited about stationery and also grocery shopping?! I sometimes go grocery-shopping alone & also went stationery-shopping recently and man, the sense of satisfaction and happiness hahahaha.

Perhaps it's the buying of so many items whilst stationery and grocery-shopping that makes me feel accomplished? Hahaha I mean where else can you shop at and buy so many items without spending that much money?! E.g if you go shopping for clothes, people usually think twice before purchasing and less say, throw numerous items into their shopping cart. But, if you were to go stationery or let's say grocery-shopping, I practically just throw everything I like (usually fruits) into the shopping cart without much hesitation.  Of course, fruits and stationery are inexpensive as compared to clothes etc. It's probably the shopping-like-a-king feeling and buying things that I like that got me happy and excited.

If you don't get my drift, it's ok, just ignore me. Either I'm weird or I'm being auntified. Hahaha.

Moving on - Other activities in August that got me excited also includes Atlantis beach party with bf and my JC clique, Colour Run 2015, and of course birthday celebrations with my loved ones. Love how my bffs and mummy are already asking me what I want and where I want to go for my birthday even before it was August. Blessed to have them around indeed, feeling loved heh.

Hopefully August will be a really great month for me (& you) and that I will be able to get used to the new lifestyle (namely, coping with school & work). Have a good month ahead you all!

(Sorry this is such a boring & meaningless post but come on, don't be such a damper. )

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