Tuesday 2 February 2016

Hi guys, I'm currently lounging at my bf's place eating mini doughnuts. It's such a bad time to fall sick now with cny and prelims coming up but guess who's sick? Yes, me!

The sentence that one of my lecturers always says seems to be very apt at this very moment - "dear god, there must be a better way of living" lol. I have been unwell since last thurs with body ache, slight fever, headaches, flu here and there, on and off. And I guess its all attributed to my wisdom tooth growing. My gum at the back hurts right now and I can't even eat bread properly, wo de tian ah.

I'm hoping the pain subsides soon so that I can properly enjoy all the cny goodies ):

Anyway, some sweetie is nursing me to health rn by forcing me to drink lots of water and making me peppermint tea while we speak or rather as I type now. I swear this sweetheart of mine makes my life so much easier in so many ways and I can't be more glad to have him by my side right now. Although he's kinda being annoying eating chocolate, ice cream and cny goodies beside me right now while I can't eat them, so.....

Realised we kind of reached a new peak of our relationship when I found myself trying to squeeze his pimple and dig his ear for him earlier on. Feels like we are some old couple around each other doing all these but I'm not complaining because it means we are comfortable around each other I guess.

In other news, I just went for my very first blood test recently. I have always been fearing needles my whole life, dreading injections / blood tests, anything to do with needles at all. The last time I had an injection, it didn't went well at all. I was so scared and tensed up the doctor was all like "can you relax, the needle cannot come out" while the needle was inside me cos my muscle is too tense.

But I figured out that my health problems are something that I can't turn a blind eye to anymore, so I just pluck up my courage one teary night and asked Marcus to accompany me. So I finally did it with his companion (kudos to this boy for waiting hours at the polyclinic with me even though he hates waiting the most) and I figured I should have done it much much earlier. I should have done it back then when I felt the need to instead of procrastinating it because it really doesn't hurt as I've imagined it to. As compared to an injection, it's really pretty painless I suppose. The only sad / bad thing is that they couldn't find the vein on my right arm initially so I ended up getting poked on both hands and now I have a big bruise on my right arm. Oh well ):

Right now, I'm just hoping I get well soon with my schedule being pretty packed up ahead. ):

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