Monday 29 April 2013

My weekend getaway

So I went over to malacca this weekend from Friday evening to Saturday with mama and uncle mike!

End sch on 3.30 last Friday and chop chop went home packed and left for the 3 hours ride to malacca! Went to the same bungalow that we always go when we go there, I think its my 3rd time staying there. It's just the perfect stay-over.

Swimming pool, jacuzzi, cable tv, pool table, karaoke, and personal butler and cook. You name it! Can I own a house like that next time? And it's pretty affordable, think we only paid $280 for both of us for two nights on top of food cooked by them!!!

Had a rather good trip. It was relaxation , well at least quality ones with alcohol every night and some retail therapy. Hehe. You guys should visit the place if you have time, I wish I could tell you the name but I don't remember cos it's a private house bought then made for tourists. Hahaha but it's inside the afamosa resort.

Didn't took much photos. :) I'm so tired on the way to sch now. Bye. Have a great day! 2 more days to public holiday... You bet I'm counting down every second of it hahahaha

Friday 26 April 2013

Achievement unlocked

Achievement unlocked - Went to school every single day this week and no official late coming! I think I deserve a round of applause and the pop of champagne hehehehe. Gonna go malacca soon for a short weekend getaway #cantwait

Saturday 20 April 2013

Saturday outing

Went out today with Dominic after not meeting him for so long! I think 2 years omg.....

Went farrer park get his pool cue and then noms noms at dhoby ghaut's Tokyo street! Ordered garlic seafood rice, so nice laaaaa!!

Then bought canelé macarons to bring home. *dreamy sighs* OK LISTEN UP HARD. Canelé macarons is DA BOMB!!! It's damn damn damn nice please, much better than twg which is not nice please. Omg it's worth every cent of mine plus it's only $2.50.... Can you believe it?!?!?!? Ok I'm craving for it again. Regretted only buying 3(cookies and cream, raspberry mint and salted Caramel) but too bad no much photos cos I kinda accidentally squashed the caramel one and my mama ate the raspberry mint one... Hahaha so I only camwhored with my cookies and cream.... And the photos below probably doesnt do it justice at all.... CAN'T WAIT TO BUY MORE NEXT TIME URGH....

And then went to yishun safra to play bowling since we both stay yishun!

Ok I'm ashamed to say this but my first game I only scored 27.... I know I know, wtf right LOL. The small girl beside me stared at me and yes she got higher than me, small girl challenging me is it is it is is it!!! Zz. Ok then second game doubled so like 58 so still ok la. Hahahaha but please, playing with him with like extreme diff la... People last time tournament one ahem.

And then went to play poker. I honestly don't know what's with my luck and I forgot the rules alr, second round all in lost $20 LOL OK WTF. But then Dom helped me to absorb cos he won $100 plus HAHA.

And then home sweet home. Macarons macarons macarons omg damn nice!!!!!

TGIF. (eh yes again)

Hahaha i realise i got quite a few posts named as TGIF. hahahaha oh well.....

After one shit load of tiring week, it's finally Friday ytd! Woo TGIF TGIF TGIF TGIF TGIF!

Ok so ytd I ended at 1230 big woo! And then finish up some homework and off to meet Huishi and Ben to buy food for our BBQ!! Hehehe. Basically I felt like I'm on some budget show cos we were like choosing for the cheapest! Hahaa.

Then nua at Florida games room awhile before the others came. Ok basically the others is just Stanley LOL erm yes!

Then start fire and Richi came. (Omg I really don't know what's wrong with my like boring typing skills now. damn it.)

Anw. Moving on. Ytd BBQ was quite funny. Only 5 people and it was suppose to be birthday BBQ for Ivan. But gues what, no birthday boy LOL. Birthday boy was caught in sch

Didn't take much pictures ytd also. well.... prob just one or two enough to make you drool. ^^ ESPECIALLY if its just nice suay suay midnight that you are reading this now.

Hahahaha cos I always see people post damn nice food during midnight and go drooling only to find out fridge no food. Have you ever experienced that?? hahaha so.... Sorry if you are feeling hungry cos of me. Meh. Bye bye!!!!

Sunday 14 April 2013

Sat chill out

Ok so after friday comes what? Yes Saturday! Went cca sleep and then dinner at xin wang and woo fav part of the day, drinks at woody bar and cafe with mama and uncle mike!

Ordered half a bucket aka 3 bottles of cider. Comes along with cracker and peanut for $38! Talk laugh and chilled out.

Such a pity the place closes at 12am though. It's like literally lights out, fan off at 12am. We stayed until we finish our drinks though. Pretty love the place! So cozy.

Ok sorry this is like my 4th boring post. For the day. I shall stop here since after Saturday comes Sunday and I did nothing today. Bye bye love you xx.

Dinner with clique

Ok. im posting again. After SR Olympics last Friday, met up with my beloved clique at Joe's corner and bar! My second time dining there!!

Well. Lets just say the place is meh. Huishi complained that the menu is ugly. Crystal and stanley complained the aircon is warm. Ben, I forgot what he said. As for me, Im okay with it la since I suggested the place hehehehe.

Though the place is a disappointment, what's most important is that I get to spend quality time with them though Huishi left really early. They never fails to brighten up my mood I tell you. So grateful. xx.

The table ordered Hawaiian pizza, mushroom soup, strawberry beer, aglio olio, beef pasta and fish&chips. Food was not too bad!

After that went for selegie! Stanley's treat! And that pretty up sums up my day that day.

Super love them!

Ok I swear I'm becoming more boring. Thanks school. Meh. Bye

SR Olympics

Ok let me make an attempt to update a bit alright? Hehe

So Friday was SR Olympics. We had our class food fun fund! So had our own booth, with pretty background set up by Kai and some props we prepared. And ta-da we were ready to snap some Polaroids for people and receive $3 for every photo.

All profits go to charity anw. Made a profit of $100 plus. And I'm glad some people really enjoy our booth. Woo.

After food fun fund it was watching the sports competition, some were really fun. Overall it was a good day. Omg I think I'm losing my touch of blogging, this post seems boring. I'm sorry

Ni hao ma

Haha omg I haven't been posting so long *blows cobwebs* I really hope posting through phone can be as good as web so that it will make me feel like blogging more.

Anw quick update. Hmm life is ok. Except Im kinda sick of sch. PW and chinese results are rather meh. Got double B. oh well! Excepted more.

Ok this is so boring. Life is so dull nowadays and I'm like boring.