Saturday 20 April 2013

TGIF. (eh yes again)

Hahaha i realise i got quite a few posts named as TGIF. hahahaha oh well.....

After one shit load of tiring week, it's finally Friday ytd! Woo TGIF TGIF TGIF TGIF TGIF!

Ok so ytd I ended at 1230 big woo! And then finish up some homework and off to meet Huishi and Ben to buy food for our BBQ!! Hehehe. Basically I felt like I'm on some budget show cos we were like choosing for the cheapest! Hahaa.

Then nua at Florida games room awhile before the others came. Ok basically the others is just Stanley LOL erm yes!

Then start fire and Richi came. (Omg I really don't know what's wrong with my like boring typing skills now. damn it.)

Anw. Moving on. Ytd BBQ was quite funny. Only 5 people and it was suppose to be birthday BBQ for Ivan. But gues what, no birthday boy LOL. Birthday boy was caught in sch

Didn't take much pictures ytd also. well.... prob just one or two enough to make you drool. ^^ ESPECIALLY if its just nice suay suay midnight that you are reading this now.

Hahahaha cos I always see people post damn nice food during midnight and go drooling only to find out fridge no food. Have you ever experienced that?? hahaha so.... Sorry if you are feeling hungry cos of me. Meh. Bye bye!!!!

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