Saturday 22 March 2014


Hi how's life lately huh!

Life for me has been okay so far, just stuck with some important decisions to make. And I'm so glad I have the best boss and colleagues ever to help me and support me in my life now. 

So thankful!

Actually I'm not too sure what to blog about now... I just thought I haven't updated in awhile.. 

Hmm. Do you guys want to know what I'm doing now? HAHAHA hen boring one la.

I'm just sipping tea now, watching "prom night". Some show about some mental guy killing people, I watch until I want to throw the controller towards the tv man.

Anyway, It's kind of funny how while other people probably spend their money on clubbing or something, I'm spending my money on teas and fruits... All worth it though hehehe love teas and fruits so much. And just so happen, food I like to eat are good for health too. Yi ge shi tou sha liang zhi niao yo! 

This "traditional medicinals" brand win any other chamomile tea I tried hands down. Other tea just pales in comparison. Super aromatic. Never fails to make me feel more relaxed and calm my nerves. 

Yup, pretty much what I spend my salary on, and of course clothes hehe. 

Super meaningless update hor, actually sometimes I think why some bloggers/vloggers have such high viewership.. Are people generally interested in other people's life? 

Because I know I am sometimes. Have been following this teen mum on YouTube "britneyandbaby" and I just find it interesting to see how her day went. Haha. And I'm also following some popular blogs and interesting dayre accounts which are part of my daily entertainment.

But then again if you don't really know the person much, would you be that interested? 

It's like sometimes I read some of my friend's blog and my own blog, I find it quite interesting cos I know how they are like and it's just interesting to know their past-time. But if you don't really know the person, is it still interesting? If not why those popular bloggers have such group of followers right? 

I guess it just boils down to how well you engage your audience? Like telling a story akin to the audience reading a story!

Aye whatever, I type until I don't know what I'm talking about liao. I'm so tired now my eyes are closing hahaha. 

Time to say good night then! Good night world.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Chop chop


Guess who had a haircut finally? ME!
Went to trim my hair , actually I'm not sure whether it's still trimming cos I cut off around 2 inches.... And had treatment! Check out my astronaut hat!

And Ta-dah. I kind of feel better with shorter hair now. Before that I felt.....messy and more tied down I don't know why. Hahahaha. Now I'm feeling all refreshed! 

Took these in the toilet HAHA. Take half way suddenly someone walk in. Super duper paiseh I faster pretend look at my phone and run out. 


Gosh I love love love how my hair smells after visiting the salon. It was either the smell of the shampoo they used on me or the treatment lotion. Smells so good I couldn't stop smelling my hair.  Anyone else with me?

And, on my way back, the haze was smelling so bad. And I didn't want the dust or smell to get into my hair.. Ended up brisk walking all the way back home. NO ONE / NOTHING WILL GET TO MY GOOD SMELLING HAIR

Hair, you are safe. I will protect you I promise you! 

Monday 10 March 2014

My A Level Journey

2 years ago, upon getting back my O Level results, I was eligible to all of the courses in polytechnic and also several junior college.

This year, upon getting back my A Level results, I wasn't even good enough for the local universities.

Why A Levels

All along studying in secondary school, I have never ever thought of going to JC. I was more inclined towards the idea of polytechnic and wanted to study business courses. However, the fear of not being able to get into any of the local university was the main reason I went to JC.

Before A Levels

I got into Junior College with a clear mind to succeed. I remember the first few days I started school I started studying hard, reading what the teachers gave me, completing my homework. But soon came the tests, honestly, it was a huge jump from O levels, I did badly and I guess I got disheartened. I remember studying for Chemistry and failing it. Tests after tests, I started giving up.

I told myself how hard JC was and allowed myself to be disheartened from setbacks. As time passes by, I realise how more and more I gave lesser concern towards failing and striving for my best. I had lots and lots of excuses for myself, and of course the back up plans I have in mind just to cushion the hurt from failing.

In JC 1, I barely scrape through. I took the re-exam and I didn't even take it seriously, studying very last minute for it but fortunately managed to promote.

JC 2 came by and I told myself once again since I was given to chance to promote I should be grateful and do my very best. That year I had several problems at home and it also became one of my many excuses to not take things too hard. I had extremely poor time management, giving up very easily. 

I had to admit towards the middle of the year I played truancy on several accounts. I realise I had no much interest to school anymore. Although towards the end of the year, around prelims, I bucked up and improved, I soon lost the discipline again. 

It's not like I'm a very lazy person in JC, in fact I do do my tutorials (except subjects that I really dislike) , I go for some consultations, I have my motivated moments studying in school till late nights. It's just that I always end up letting my emotions and lazy side get the better of me and.... I guess just gave up. 

Nearing A Levels 

Nearing A levels that's when I did started to panic, I realise how much I do not know about the chemistry syllabus, not even the basics but still I didn't put in sufficient effort in it. With all those fear and overwhelming things to learn and pressure, I guess I opt for the easy way out. 

I even convince myself that not doing well for A levels is ok (hell it's far from ok) , even before A level started I had in mind and information about retaking A level and SIM. And I guess this is the part that most of the A level students who did well will be looking at me in disgust and thinking I'm a failure to the whole A level system. Truth to admit, I don't even know what I was thinking at that point. I let my feelings get the better of me and slowly gave up. 

During A levels 

I guess I didn't really put in effort for my  exams. Hell I was even lazier than my promos. I did studied for some paper like GP and maths but it was really last minute. I guess at that point I also had those kind of O level mindset that I can make it even if I studied last minute. 

I actually was a last minute person my whole academic path and managed to do rather okay in the end. I guess it's not the same deal for A level. 

Chemistry exam came along (chem was my worst subject in JC, I know nuts about it) , I swear I didn't even know half of what the paper is talking about. That day after chem I knew I was going to fail. And guess what I did. I gave up for Geog and econs. I merely studied a few hours for it even though both were subjects I like.

If you ask me again what I was doing last year, I would tell you I honestly don't know. Or rather what I was doing my whole JC life, I really don't know. 

And right now, that I got back my A levels results, although I manage to get one A and one B, the rest was horrible and definitely not enough for local university. I'm not sure yet whether I should retake my A level exams or opt for the private university route. 

But what I got out of my A level route are some lessons that would stay with me for life :

1) Don't think that you can't even before you start the journey. If you think that the route ahead is going to be difficult and you won't do well, trust me, you won't. If you think that you can, you will then put in enough effort to make sure you will succeed. So don't doubt yourself. 

2) Don't look back. Once you have decided on a future path, you make sure you do the best out of it. It's you who make the decision, and no matter how tough it is, make sure you do it well.

3) Believe. Don't doubt what your teachers say. Trust them, trust the things they ask you to do. Trust yourself and trust that you can. 

I used to blame it on all the problems I have. But what I learnt is that ultimately no matter what external factors there are, I am the one who allow those factors to get to me and affect me. If anything happens, I am the one who is in blame. Nothing else, no one else.

There were countless times I wished I could just turned back the clock and start my JC journey newly afresh. I would have make different decisions, adopt a different attitude. But truth to be told, it's impossible. And like what my CT tutor told me, A levels is just a blip. Look forward, be optimistic and bounce back. And stop dwelling on the blame. 

Even though I'm filled with regrets and anger towards myself, I only have the future to move towards now. I hope that I wouldn't make a hasty and wrong decision and that I would truly grow and be more matured on what the future brings. 

On a side note, through my journey in JC and also after collecting my results, I found people who care and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Words wouldn't be able to convey how thankful I am to some people. 

I won't fail again, if I believe. I will rise up and above again.

On a side side note, I posted this because I wanted to be true to myself. Being a sensitive person, I'm positive there will be people judging me after they read this.

But, oh well, I believe that having the courage to point out what you did wrong and acknowledging it is one way to move on. I also believe in penning down my thoughts to re-assure certain message to myself. So, eh, yup.

Also, in case there's really someone out there reading this that have the exact same thoughts as me and giving up. Don't, okay? You can do it.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Vainpot x2

Had dinner with Amos last night! Dinner at Manhattan Fish Market because the queue is the shortest hahaha

This guy super funny. He turned up with 3 roses. I was super shocked and blushed like crazy HAHAHA. 

Anyway, please don't get the wrong idea, he's not my boyfriend hahaha. He gave me roses because we jokingly said that it's a date (since the rest of our cca Sdsc mates always cannot make it) and then I was like "ok rmb to buy me rose for our first date" and then he took me for real hahahaha. 

Thanks for the roses Amos, it's so pretty! Hehehe. 

Great catch up session with the vainpot hahaha. Felt like a bimbo... we wanted to take photo but mrt station like no place plus the place we were eating dessert at was closing, so we ended up missing a few trains to take pictures. Well, lets just say bimbos have to do what they have to do yo!

Lets meet up soon again and all the best in getting into the uni you want!! Xie xie ni de hua wo hen xi huan

Sunday 2 March 2014

Shopping remedy

I may or may not have went a little crazy shopping today. I think it's like the first time I actually bought so much clothes at one go! Hahaha it feels good though. 

Bought clothes and a new bag from New Look! Hehehe and pardon the toilet shots. That's the only pics I have with Huishi today. Can't wait for the next outing with her and crystal! 

The nerves of getting my results tmr is getting to me a little. I have no expectations at all actually cos I already know I will do very badly. But still.. I DONT KNOW URGH. 

I feel like a fish trying to stay alive on land you know. I'm clueless on what to do and struggling with decisions and choices. 

Regrets, that's the word. Done with shopping remedy, now some time for some TV Show remedy.