Sunday 2 March 2014

Shopping remedy

I may or may not have went a little crazy shopping today. I think it's like the first time I actually bought so much clothes at one go! Hahaha it feels good though. 

Bought clothes and a new bag from New Look! Hehehe and pardon the toilet shots. That's the only pics I have with Huishi today. Can't wait for the next outing with her and crystal! 

The nerves of getting my results tmr is getting to me a little. I have no expectations at all actually cos I already know I will do very badly. But still.. I DONT KNOW URGH. 

I feel like a fish trying to stay alive on land you know. I'm clueless on what to do and struggling with decisions and choices. 

Regrets, that's the word. Done with shopping remedy, now some time for some TV Show remedy.

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