Saturday 8 March 2014

Vainpot x2

Had dinner with Amos last night! Dinner at Manhattan Fish Market because the queue is the shortest hahaha

This guy super funny. He turned up with 3 roses. I was super shocked and blushed like crazy HAHAHA. 

Anyway, please don't get the wrong idea, he's not my boyfriend hahaha. He gave me roses because we jokingly said that it's a date (since the rest of our cca Sdsc mates always cannot make it) and then I was like "ok rmb to buy me rose for our first date" and then he took me for real hahahaha. 

Thanks for the roses Amos, it's so pretty! Hehehe. 

Great catch up session with the vainpot hahaha. Felt like a bimbo... we wanted to take photo but mrt station like no place plus the place we were eating dessert at was closing, so we ended up missing a few trains to take pictures. Well, lets just say bimbos have to do what they have to do yo!

Lets meet up soon again and all the best in getting into the uni you want!! Xie xie ni de hua wo hen xi huan

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