Saturday 22 March 2014


Hi how's life lately huh!

Life for me has been okay so far, just stuck with some important decisions to make. And I'm so glad I have the best boss and colleagues ever to help me and support me in my life now. 

So thankful!

Actually I'm not too sure what to blog about now... I just thought I haven't updated in awhile.. 

Hmm. Do you guys want to know what I'm doing now? HAHAHA hen boring one la.

I'm just sipping tea now, watching "prom night". Some show about some mental guy killing people, I watch until I want to throw the controller towards the tv man.

Anyway, It's kind of funny how while other people probably spend their money on clubbing or something, I'm spending my money on teas and fruits... All worth it though hehehe love teas and fruits so much. And just so happen, food I like to eat are good for health too. Yi ge shi tou sha liang zhi niao yo! 

This "traditional medicinals" brand win any other chamomile tea I tried hands down. Other tea just pales in comparison. Super aromatic. Never fails to make me feel more relaxed and calm my nerves. 

Yup, pretty much what I spend my salary on, and of course clothes hehe. 

Super meaningless update hor, actually sometimes I think why some bloggers/vloggers have such high viewership.. Are people generally interested in other people's life? 

Because I know I am sometimes. Have been following this teen mum on YouTube "britneyandbaby" and I just find it interesting to see how her day went. Haha. And I'm also following some popular blogs and interesting dayre accounts which are part of my daily entertainment.

But then again if you don't really know the person much, would you be that interested? 

It's like sometimes I read some of my friend's blog and my own blog, I find it quite interesting cos I know how they are like and it's just interesting to know their past-time. But if you don't really know the person, is it still interesting? If not why those popular bloggers have such group of followers right? 

I guess it just boils down to how well you engage your audience? Like telling a story akin to the audience reading a story!

Aye whatever, I type until I don't know what I'm talking about liao. I'm so tired now my eyes are closing hahaha. 

Time to say good night then! Good night world.

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