Monday 11 August 2014

很想哭,很想 。


  1. Hey um, you alright? Here's a cat for you:

  2. Hey! I'm much better now already. Thank you so much for asking and thanks for the really cute cat! It brought a big smile to my face. Thanks! :)

    1. Last year, I did a card design and went down to srjc to give the students the cards.
      This is the card design:

      I have some more art on my facebook and deviantart, maybe you'll find them interesting haha

  3. I'm glad that you're better now. When you said that, I was a little worried because you sounded really hurt. Haha glad the cat cheered you up. You look great, do smile more =) Take your time to slowly recover.
    I don't know you in person, but from the way you write about things, I think you're a wonderful person and honest.
    Here's another pic for you:

    1. Appreciate your kind comments and compliments! Thank you Zhenyang :) I will, and your kind thoughts made me feel better too. & Oh, you went to SRJC? A shame I didn't get to receive the card last year hahaha. It's cute. Once again, thanks a lot for your kind words! I appreciate it :)

      Your artwork are really cute! Keep doing what you do well in and all the best to you too!

    2. You're welcome Crystal =) Yup, I went down to SRJC, didn't really give alot of cards because of the huge cost required to print them. I designed the cards for the other colleges as well, since the card design is the same, except for some changes in the colour of the uniform and the cuttings. For each college, I had only about 50 cards. When I arrived at SRJC, I gave some cards to the students who were revising at the tables just outside the admin office. The rest of the cards I gave them to the friendly indian receptionist whose name I cannot recall haha.

    3. Haha maybe I'll share my trip last year about giving out these cards. It took about 2 weeks to visit each college and pass the cards to the admin staff. I remember missing out some colleges like JJC, NYJC, IJC, YJC, RI. The pleasant trips were SRJC and SAJC. The staff are very friendly. Other colleges like HCI and VJC (the elites) were less friendly and more um, cautious I guess. My sis was from HCI but I didn't know the environment there was so strict, it's like so quiet with invisible rules lol. CJC was pleasant too, partly because I was an ex-student and the environment there is friendly as well.

    4. You mentioned that you were still in SRJC last year, that means this year you have already graduated and in one of the 3 local universities now?

    5. Oh..... That's really nice of you! I'm sure the students appreciate your effort and kind thoughts. Haha & I'm glad you had a good impression of SRJC.

      And to answer your question, yes I have graduated. Unfortunately, I was slacking off and giving up on myself last year so I didn't do well enough for the local universities. And that was actually one of the reasons why I was really upset with myself last week. If you are curious, I'm currently taking my A levels as a private candidate now. :) Really hoping I will make the cut this time round.

    6. Sorry about the late reply, went for a job interview today at Orchard Central haha. It was a job for a designer for a korean cosmetic manufacturing company. Had a secondary friend who opens a restaurant called Spanish Donuts on the 5th floor there.

      I see, you graduated with grades which were not good enough to enrol the courses you wanted. What are the subjects you are doing? How are your preparations going? I remember that time I didn't graduate with good results too because of the lack of design opportunities at universities so didn't put in my best. I remember one of my classmates who is a very bright person, didn't even turn up for one of the subject exam that day because he felt there's no point since he didn't study for it. Right now he's doing well, he finished with a private degree.
