Wednesday 20 August 2014


Original Credits: Zhenyang

Photo above is all thanks to a really nice reader! Thank you so much for leaving me nice comments when I'm in my low spirits. It's really amazing how far sometimes a little encouragement means to someone.

In my midst of wallowing in self-pity and fighting my own inner battle the past few weeks or so, I have come to realise that there are really nice and sincere people out there who cared for me and go beyond what is required to help me. 

And, I guess it's really time to count my blessings instead of regretting and beating myself up for things that can't be changed. It's always times when I think and occupy myself with the negative things that I lose confidence and trust in myself to move on.

Throughout this whole episode of struggles, I can't be more than grateful and thankful to have a really nice mentor / teacher to care for me and backing me up in financial and moral means. Quoting him, "these few months left is going to be hard, but I will go through the tough times with you for these few months" and "I don't care whether I have to scold you, make you hate me by the end of the day, I just want you to do well". 

There are so many people who have gave me encouragement / help me in a way or so. They could have not done so but they chose to, and that's what I'm really thankful for.

Here's to the friends, family, colleagues, buddy that chose to do so, thank you. 

I guess for these past few months, heck, or rather these few years, I went easy on myself because of personal reasons. 

I gave up too much, gave too many excuses and the list goes on. But, with lessons learnt, I really hope I won't be an empty vessel, and instead,really improvise on myself this time round.

Focus on the positive vibes and goal ahead, Crystal. Focus. Stakes and hopes are too high for you to fool around with this time round.

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