Thursday 21 August 2014

Boring bus ride

Hi there. I'm stuck in a long bus ride now and I'm really bored. 

Did I also mention I have motion sickness? 

Anyway, I only have myself to blame... Here's the reason why I'm in this state. So I walked to (punggol) MRT station to realize the train broke down from Punggol to Sengkang. Found out there's a free shuttle bus that says "Punggol to Sengkang" but there was a long queue. 

And just nice, bus 83 (goes from punggol to sengkang too) came at that time. So I went to take 83 instead thinking I'm an absolute genius to cut my waiting time. 


I realize after boarding that the free shuttle bus probably go straight from Punggol to Sengkang MRT without any stops and instead directly there. Whereas, bus 83 definitely stops at every stop and its a loop. ): 

And there I was thinking I was super smart for taking bus 83 instead of waiting for the shuttle bus. So much for being a smart alec. I was really like praising myself when I board 83 la. 

On a side note, it's pretty cool that I experienced a train disruption! (Although I'm probably only saying that cos I wasn't really in a rush to go somewhere...... ) But, woohoo experiencing a train disruption now make me feel like a true Singaporean! 

Singaporean points +1 for me. 

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