Monday 23 February 2015

February 14 - Sea Aquarium

So like I mentioned...... Spent Valentine's day with my JC friends at Sea aquarium! Prior to that, received a sweet letter from Cintia all the way from London!

Yes, I wool.

Thank you my dear! Thank you for taking the effort to send me your yearly letter.

So on V day itself, met up with the guys at Vivo city first.

Here's what's for lunch.

I really shouldn't eat ramen. More often than not, I don't finish my bowl when I order ramen. It just get really sickening / ni / jelat after awhile.....

Thank you Kai for the free tickets!
I have actually always wanted to visit the more latest attractions in Singapore like Sea aquarium , adventure cove, river safari, trick eye museum etc. These are the few I haven't yet went to, so yay, one attraction strike off my list!

Hi, Welcome to Sea Aquarium. 
Introducing to you Diver Ng and Diver Ang!

Spot the eel!

So colourful & pretty


So cool right our cotton candy! 
A tad ex at $7 but sigh, no one can say no to a blinking cotton candy.
Such novelty, for me at least

Blurp blurp

With Jaf jaf 

With Kai, x.


Er..... psycho much?!

Thought sea aquarium was quite interesting! But I have to agree that its more of a one time thing. The kind of attraction you wouldn't go back in the near future.

For the guys, they got bored after awhile.. They were like "don't they all look the same?" HAHA.

Went to eat Slappy Cakes afterwards! Always wanted to try this kind of DIY pancake shop. So fun making your own pancakes and letting your creativity flows

Played 'draw something' using the pancake batter after which! We had to draw something and let the others guess, from categories like movies, songs to countries.

Then headed to beer market to chill since it was quite early.

Thank you jaf

As of above, a great day spent with this bunch! Thank you guys for being my babes of the day on V day. 

Now, I declare us officially broken up and single to mingle again. YAY! (?)