Thursday 5 February 2015

Trip down

Read back all on my old posts and man, have I changed. The way I talk, phrase things, see things have indeed changed since a few years back.

Had a great time reading back on my thoughts, laughing at some like this one 

Some pet peeves never change hahaha. I'm still annoyed by this on a constant basis. But I'm amused I actually drew this illustration out haha

And I realize I have pretty poor memory, some incidents totally slipped off my mind until I see those posts. 

The biggest change is probably how I became more.... How do I put it.... Hmm, solemn I guess? Finding more about how the world works and getting bounded by such stress and stuff. But I can't say I'm not excited for the different future as well.

Small things that used to annoy me are no longer in my area of care anymore and things that were not in my area of concern has now become one. 

And I guess blogging really does help me in a way. Like a mini log, it brings back memories and its interesting to see how I have changed. So here's to many more years of penning (or rather typing) my thoughts out in this little space of mine.

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